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You wake up with a soft groan, feeling a dull ache in your lower back and side. Every part of your body seems to be sore. As you force your eyes open, confusion washes over you at the unfamiliar sight before you. Instead of the cold, concrete walls of the train station or the polluted green skies, your gaze is fixed upon a ceiling made of rich cherry oak wood. Your fingers twitch slightly, and you realize a moment later that you are lying on a mattress with neatly tucked sheets. Attempting to sit up, you groan even more, reaching out to touch your side, only to feel the presence of bandages. With pursed lips, you look down in disbelief, unable to comprehend why you are wrapped in bandages.

"Finally awake," a deep voice suddenly interrupts, causing you to startle and quickly turn your head to the side. Standing in the corner of the room, now revealed to be a spacious bedroom, is Black. His arms are crossed, and a mischievous smirk plays on his face.

In an instant, you spring up from the bed, assuming a defensive stance, ready to confront him. Black's smirk widens, anticipating the confrontation.

Black moves closer to you, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and condescension. "You really should learn to relax, Y/N. Right now, you're no fun at all. You can barely even stand straight," he remarks, but you scowl at him, anger burning in your eyes. "Do you honestly think I'll just sit here quietly with you around? Why don't you go find someone else to entertain you, like your little fangirl?" you retort, feeling the power surge through your body as you instantly transform into Super Saiyan 2. However, the intense pain coursing through your body forces you to wince.

Black's smirk widens as he approaches you faster than you can react, his hand closing around your throat. "That annoying woman has already been taken care of. As for you, well, we haven't even begun to have fun," he says menacingly. But before he can exert any more control over you, you deliver a powerful knee strike to his groin, causing him to release his grip and double over in pain. Taking advantage of the moment, you quickly teleport out of the house, finding yourself outside in the open air. Without wasting a second, you sprint away, but to your surprise, Black manages to catch up to you using the stolen Instant Transmission technique from Goku. His icy glare sends shivers down your spine.

Zamasu calmly looks up from pouring two cups of tea on the balcony, observing Black as he ascends with you slung over his shoulder like a lifeless sack. Despite the visible scuffs and scratches covering his body, Black wears a slight smirk, albeit with a hint of annoyance in his gaze.

Zamasu watches with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "It appears you had quite the adventure chasing after your little pet," he remarks, while Black grunts in response. "She's remarkably persistent, even after two days of sleep and without food or water." As Zamasu speaks, you suddenly regain consciousness, your first instinct being to sink your teeth into Black's hand with enough force to break the skin and draw blood. The moment he releases you, you swiftly spin around and deliver a powerful kick to his side before taking off once again.

Zamasu simply observes, sipping his tea calmly as he hears your yelp of pain and the unmistakable sounds of a fierce struggle. Moments later, Black returns, his face contorted into a scowl, clearly frustrated by the encounter.

Zamasu stifles a quiet chuckle, observing as Black strides into the house with you still unconscious and visibly more injured.

The next time you regain consciousness, you find yourself restrained once again to the same bed. Your entire body throbs with pain as you cautiously survey your surroundings, realizing that you are alone in the room. Determined to escape, you attempt to free yourself, but your wrists are tightly bound to the bedpost with a thick and sturdy fabric that proves impossible to break free from, especially given your weakened state from lack of nourishment. Letting out a weak growl of frustration, you discover that your legs are relatively loose.

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