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The sudden revelation of having a clone turned out to be more than just a mere disruption. It set off a chain reaction, rousing Bulma from her slumber, which in turn stirred Vegeta from his deep sleep. The commotion even managed to awaken Goten and Trunks from their peaceful dreams.

You and your clone found yourselves seated side by side in Bulma's lab, while Goku's excitement bubbled over, wondering if your clone possessed the same strength as you or perhaps even greater. His eagerness to engage in a fight, as always, was palpable. However, Bulma swiftly silenced him with a firm blow to the head, causing him to clutch his skull and emit a loud whine.

Suppressing a giggle, you watched as Bulma turned her attention to you and your clone, inquiring if you had experienced any unusual sensations. You explained the presence of a literal migraine and a slight ache, but assured her that you were otherwise unharmed.

Bulma's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she eagerly scribbled down notes and meticulously examined your clone. Meanwhile, Vegeta, in his usual grumpy demeanor, grudgingly retreated to bed, compelling the boys to follow suit despite their protests and pouts.

Goku settled down beside you, and you mustered a weary smile, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. "You don't have to stay up with us, you know," you whispered, expressing your concern for his well-being.

Goku grins softly, resting his forehead against yours cutely. "Are you kidding? I'm fine, I'll go back to sleep when you do-"

Goku's gentle grin fades as his eyes widen in fear at the sight of Bulma brandishing a rather intimidating syringe. In that moment, his usual carefree demeanor is replaced by genuine terror.

"Goodbye, Y/N!" Goku blurts out hastily, planting a quick kiss on your lips before darting out of the room, leaving you to stifle a laugh behind your hand.

Bulma rolls her eyes at Goku's hasty exit. "Alright, I just need a sample from both of you, about a pint each," she explains matter-of-factly. You and your clone exchange pale glances, but ultimately resign yourselves to Bulma's scientific methods.

Hours pass, and the lab remains illuminated by the rising sun. Both you and your clone struggle to stay awake, but Bulma's disappointment and panic become evident when she realizes that your clone is gradually dissipating.

After a mere ten hours of existence, your clone essentially vanishes into thin air. You sit there, staring straight ahead, your eyes widening at the sudden disappearance. "Um... Is she... was she... Did she experience any pain?" you inquire, concern lacing your words.

"I don't believe so, but I did manage to obtain a gradual blueprint of her blood before she vanished. This suggests that as long as a sample is extracted before the clone dissipates, it will remain physically present," Bulma mumbles, her words becoming increasingly laden with scientific and mathematical jargon that leaves you feeling a bit lost.

"Um... So, am I free to go now?" you inquire, seeking clarification. Bulma waves you off with a gentle nod. "Yeah, go get some rest and take care of yourself." Taking her dismissal to heart, you rise from your seat and exit the lab.

As you make your way down the hallway, the enticing aroma of breakfast being cooked wafts through the air. However, exhaustion weighs heavily upon you, dampening your appetite.

"Mama!" You lift your gaze to find Solara bounding towards you, her face beaming with joy, dressed in an adorable little outfit and her hair bouncing with each step. A smile graces your lips as you kneel down, scooping her up in your arms. "Good morning, sweetheart." Solara giggles as you affectionately nuzzle her, her tiny hands clutching onto the nightshirt you're still wearing.

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