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Vegeta was taken aback to discover that you were already training under Whis's guidance, but he chose not to delve deeper into the matter. Instead, he focused on addressing the sudden separation between you and Goku, recognizing that it was causing more harm than good.

"Kakarot poses no challenge when he isolates himself from everyone and trains alone. And without you by his side, he's at his absolute worst."

As you struggle to carry a load of laundry and linen, you avert your gaze from Vegeta, speaking in a hushed tone. "I don't need to be around him right now... It's not like it even matters. I'm insignificant to him, he made that perfectly clear."

Vegeta emitted a low growl. "You two are undeniably the most infuriating idiots I've ever encountered."

Silently, you carry out the chores assigned to you by Whis, while Vegeta engages in manual labor outside, also under Whis's command.

During the initial weeks, both you and Vegeta find yourselves immersed in relentless domestic tasks, before the actual training commences.

However, for Vegeta, the training begins while Whis instructs you to meditate instead.

To maintain focus, you create a soundproof barrier around yourself, attempting to bring order to your jumbled emotions. It was evident that you weren't yet prepared for actual combat, as Whis had made that abundantly clear.

Despite the intensity of their training, you can sense the subtle vibrations emanating from their sessions, but all of you are cautious not to awaken Beerus.

As Whis occasionally sneaks back to Earth for various foods and recipes, he eventually becomes aware of Goku's energy and decides to pay him a visit.

Goku's reaction to seeing Whis is one of mild surprise, lacking the usual enthusiasm he would have shown in the past.

Observing that Goku, despite his increased muscle mass, is not in the best state of health due to his depression, Whis gets a mischievous idea.

"If you'd like, I can take you to her. And Vegeta as well, if you can provide me with something truly delectable."

Goku's attention is instantly captured at the prospect of seeing you again, momentarily rekindling his cheerful demeanor.

Without much delay, Goku presents Whis with a generous bowl of instant ramen, and Whis is absolutely smitten with the first bite!

Upon their arrival on Beerus's planet, Goku is on the verge of rushing towards your barrier, but his impulsive action is swiftly halted by an already irritated Vegeta. "Kakarot! Don't you dare think that you can simply stroll up to her!"

Goku's gaze held a hint of foreboding darkness as he locked eyes with Vegeta, but soon his expression softened as he redirected his attention towards where you sat, oblivious to their presence.

"I understand... But I have to apologize to her... It was my mistake that drove her away, so if she's holding back because of me, it's my duty to ensure she realizes her own incredible worth. Even if it means being without me..."

Vegeta observes Goku intently before releasing an exasperated sigh. "Just make sure you handle it discreetly, Kakarot."

Engrossed in your meditation, you remained oblivious to Goku's presence or the energy he emitted. Your focus was solely on sorting out the inner turmoil within you, separating the negative thoughts from the positive ones. It was evident that you needed to reduce the overwhelming negativity to achieve a healthier balance.

Aware that you couldn't become a formidable fighter if you allowed yourself to be consumed by self-pity...

Suddenly, you were startled by the sensation of a warm hand gently touching yours. Opening your eyes, you found Goku inside your barrier, crouched down beside you, his presence cautious yet comforting.

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