🌤️ Filler: The Buu Saga🌤️

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Today, you found yourself in the role of caretaker for the boys: the youthful 13-year-old Gohan and the tender one-year-old Goten. ChiChi had embarked on a trip to the city to secure essentials, her confidence evident in the fact that she could manage this task solo. She displayed remarkable assurance in her shopping venture, bolstered by a substantial portion of your inheritance that you had bestowed upon her, a gesture aimed at supporting the Son Family through these turbulent times.

Following Goku's sacrifice in defeating Cell, the aftermath of his demise left you almost submerged in profound despair. However, your focus pivoted towards aiding ChiChi and Gohan, recognizing their need for support, placing your own feelings on hold. Additionally, with ChiChi's pregnancy, your determination to provide assistance to the family soared.

During the nine months of ChiChi's pregnancy, you delved into maternity books, simultaneously guiding Gohan through his studies, and shouldering household chores and culinary responsibilities. Gohan held immense gratitude for your presence, often expressing his appreciation more openly than even his own mother. While not swimming in wealth, you spared no expense in ensuring Gohan had everything necessary, mirroring ChiChi's provisions to the best of your ability.

You'd seamlessly woven yourself into the lives of young Gohan and Goten, assuming the role of their secondary aunt figure, albeit one who stood as the more attentively present individual owing to the close proximity between homes.

With a gentle touch, you cradled baby Goten in your arms, feeding him from a bottle while simultaneously guiding Gohan through exercises that orbited around the components of literature.

Gohan, deeply engrossed in his studies, had a momentary break in concentration. "Hey, Ms. Y/N?" Gohan's voice interrupted, prompting you to glance over at him. "Yeah?" Your reply was soft, mindful of not disturbing the tranquility surrounding Goten. "Do... do you cry for my dad?" His question was sudden, causing a momentary pause before you exhaled softly. "Every night... I still do," you whispered the confession, watching Gohan's gaze lower. "I do, too... but... Is it normal for... For mom not to?" His subsequent question caught you off guard, and you deliberated carefully before responding.

"Well, maybe she does, but just not in front of you. You know? She has to be stronger than anyone else, but that doesn't mean that she's not consoling in her own way. People deal with loss differently," you explained gently.

Gohan, eyes glued to his book, silently mulled over your words, contemplating if that was truly what his mom was doing. He didn't voice it, but he'd noticed ChiChi humming happily after receiving money from you that day. It hadn't been long since Dad's passing, yet Mom seemed cheerful already. Perhaps it was a façade, as you'd suggested. If she was hurting behind closed doors, he resolved to step up and be there for her.

Years rolled by, witnessing Gohan's transformation into a strapping young man venturing into high school, though it was quite a distance away. Goten bore a striking resemblance to Goku but possessed his mother's eyes. Throughout this time, you remained steadfast in simply being there for them, never truly vocalizing your emotional turmoil.

On one occasion, Bulma paid a visit, accompanied by her five-year-old son named Trunks, eager to play with a now four-year-old Goten.

While you didn't mind being somewhat out of the loop, Bulma occasionally attempted to keep you updated, especially on matters of dating. However, you declined each time, impervious to Bulma's coaxing. She understood the depth of your longing for Goku, and it irked her to witness you toiling tirelessly, particularly as ChiChi seemed to take your full-time caregiving for granted.

It was a day like any other, marked by the haunting absence of Goku, whose untimely departure still weighed heavily upon your heart, even after seven long years. Resting alone in the sanctuary of your home, you lay in bed, music blaring, attempting to drown the flood of emotions engulfing you, when a voice seemed to echo around you.

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