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As the days passed and your training with Whis continued, a remarkable transformation took place within you, Vegeta, and Goku. The relentless pursuit of strength had molded you into formidable warriors. However, the same could not be said for Beerus, whose attitude towards you still harbored archaic and misogynistic tendencies.

Whenever Beerus roused from his slumber, it was you who had to halt your training and assume the role of a cook, a duty that seemed to fall upon you more frequently than even Whis. The intensity of your training sessions only seemed to amplify when Beerus was awake, adding an extra layer of pressure to your already demanding regimen.

Whis, recognizing the storm brewing within you, had learned to give you space when you cooked in a foul mood. The last time he dared to interfere, suggesting an ingredient to add, you shot him a glare so piercing and infused with an overwhelming aura that even the mighty angel felt a twinge of unease. Despite his immense power, your display had left him momentarily shaken.

In this ever-evolving journey towards strength, you had not only honed your physical abilities but also developed an unwavering determination to challenge the outdated beliefs and prejudices that Beerus clung to. As the intensity of your training grew, so did your resolve to prove that strength knew no gender and that true power lay within the heart and spirit, not in the confines of societal expectations.

With each passing day, you, Vegeta, and Goku continued to push the boundaries of your potential, fueled by the desire to surpass your own limitations and defy the narrow-mindedness that Beerus embodied (for yourself). The path to greatness was not without its obstacles, but together, you were determined to rise above them and forge a new legacy, one that shattered the chains of prejudice and embraced the true essence of strength.

Today unfolded much like any other, with the exception that you had requested Whis to transport you back to Earth for a brief visit. Goku and Vegeta couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity, unsure of the reason behind your sudden request. However, you assured them that it was nothing of great significance, alleviating their concerns.

Goku, dressed in his new training attire, reached out and gently clasped your hands in his own, emanating a comforting warmth from his calloused palms. In that moment, a realization dawned upon him. "It's today, isn't it? Do you want me to go with you?"

A soft smile graced your lips as you leaned in, planting a tender kiss on Goku's mouth. "No, I'll be fine. Please continue your training, alright?"

Goku gazed deeply into your eyes, a mixture of concern and trust reflecting in his gaze. Eventually, he nodded, placing his faith in your ability to handle whatever awaited you. "Okay."

As Whis whisked you away to Earth, Vegeta observed Goku, the two of them unaware that Beerus had awakened and was eavesdropping on their conversation. Vegeta's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but inquire, "What's the significance of today? Why did she need to go back?"

Goku's expression softened, his eyes filled with understanding. "It's the anniversary of her uncle's passing. She's been healing, slowly but surely. Today, she's choosing to honor his memory more openly, alongside Calalo, rather than shutting herself off from the world."

As you traveled alone with Whis, he couldn't help but inquire about the significance of the day. With a heavy heart, you shared the story of your uncle's tragic passing, recounting the memories and the pain that still lingered.

Whis listened intently, his gaze fixed ahead, offering his condolences in a sincere and empathetic manner. Sensing the weight of your emotions, he decided to shift the conversation towards something lighter, providing a temporary respite from the sorrow that enveloped you. You silently appreciated his thoughtfulness.

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