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(I couldn't get this idea of having Goku's Saiyan family be alive and making appearances. Sorry if it's too much or too confusing, but I still hope you enjoy it all, thanks for reading!)

Today was just... Not the worst, but unbelievable!

Muttering angrily to yourself, you trudged through the labyrinthine underground cavern that Vegeta had unceremoniously hurled you into. His training sessions were always intense, but being forcefully propelled through the earth's crust was taking it to a whole new level of absurdity!

"Stupid asshole, he didn't have to try and put me out of commission like that! He tells me that I'm important but then literally tries to send me to the center of the earth! And the damned jerk won't even try to help me!" You whined a bit at the end, your tail flicking angrily.

As you desperately searched for a way back to the surface, your progress was abruptly halted by the unexpected sight of a man. You quickly lower your energy, but you always have bad timing.

He stood tall and imposing, his muscular frame accentuated by worn-out armor. For a brief moment, his back was turned to you, but when he finally faced you, your eyes widened in astonishment.

This man bore an uncanny resemblance to Goku, albeit with a darker, sun-kissed complexion. His narrowed eyes pierced through you with an intense glare. What on earth was he doing in this underground abyss?

Your heart skipped a beat as you noticed the long, thick Saiyan tail swaying behind him. Instantly, a wave of apprehension washed over you, signaling that you might have stumbled into a precarious situation.

With bated breath, you braced yourself as the man unleashed a sudden and unexpected ki blast in your direction. However, to your astonishment, the blast missed its mark and struck something behind you instead. The ground trembled violently as the target crashed to the earth, causing you to shakily turn your head and behold a nightmarish sight.

Lying lifeless on the ground was a colossal arachnid, its body covered in fur instead of hair. Its sheer size was enough to send chills down your spine, and you couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and dread. What kind of perilous underground realm had you stumbled upon? And, who was this random doppelganger of a Saiyan?!

You turn back to the man quickly as he approached you, starting to back away as his steps were in your direction. Your body hits the arachnid's lifeless one, and you gulp as the man only draws closer.

The man scrutinized you with an unwavering gaze, his presence looming just inches away. His intense, dark eyes bore into your soul, while his lips formed a stern, thin line. "Move," he commanded, his voice strangely silky smooth.

Realizing that he was focused on the spider and not you, you quickly stepped aside, keeping your eyes fixed on him. The resemblance to Goku was uncanny, and it was difficult to tear your gaze away from this enigmatic doppelgänger.

Curiosity gets the better of you, as you mustered the courage to inquire, "Who... who are you?" Your eyes remained transfixed as the man forcefully tore off one of the spider's legs.

"That's none of your business, girl." he retorted dismissively, his tone laced with an air of mystery.

You furrowed your brow, studying the man's physique once more. Despite his apparent weariness, he still possessed a remarkable level of muscularity for someone residing underground. It was evident that he was stronger than he appeared, especially considering his Saiyan heritage, which concealed any true injuries he might have sustained.

"I suggest you leave, unless you're willing to offer your body to satisfy my needs," he stated, his words hanging in the air.

Your involuntary shudder betrayed your unease, unsure of the true nature of his intentions. His unsettling words sent a shiver down your spine. Did he mean to consume you for sustenance or fulfill some primal desire? The ambiguity left you on edge.

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