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This was the moment, a never-before-seen manifestation of Goku's true potential. Fueled by the enigmatic inner light that resided within him and his fellow Saiyans, yourself included, an unimaginable power surged through Goku's being.

The transformation that unfolded before your eyes was unlike anything you had ever witnessed. Goku's aura radiated an overwhelming yet comforting warmth, as if a gentle breeze caressed your skin. Waves of ki cascaded from his body, enveloping the surroundings in an ethereal glow. His once ebony hair and piercing eyes now blazed with a vibrant scarlet hue. Surprisingly, instead of bulking up, Goku appeared to have attained a leaner physique, yet his unrivaled might and unwavering strength remained intact.

Everyone stood in awe, including yourself, captivated by this extraordinary sight. In this new form, Goku exuded an undeniable charm, evoking a sense of endearment within you.

However, the allure of cuteness (to you) concealed a formidable force. Before long, Goku and Beerus embarked on a celestial battle, their fight starting by the ship before eventually going into the vast expanse of space. Helpless, all you could do was track their energies, crossing your arms as you gazed up at the sky alongside the rest of the onlookers.

The sheer magnitude of power emanating from Beerus and Goku was palpable, even as they ventured beyond the confines of the planet. Each clash between them sent shockwaves reverberating through the atmosphere, causing a tumultuous weather phenomenon to sweep across the entire region.

As you observed the cataclysmic display from below, a glimmer of hope ignited within you. Perhaps Goku had finally acquired the strength necessary to vanquish his formidable opponent. However, an undercurrent of worry gnawed at your thoughts. Would Beerus be satisfied with this battle, or would he still deem your home unworthy of existence?

While the majority of onlookers were drawn to the spectacle, eager to witness the clash firsthand, you, Vegeta, and Turles remained silent, engrossed in the energy pulsating from the fight. Bardock, who would have stayed by your side to observe, was compelled to join Calalo at her request, leaving you to your solitary vigil.

With unwavering focus, you relied solely on the energy emanating from the battle to glean any insight into its unfolding. Though Beerus remained elusive to your senses, you could faintly perceive Goku's presence amidst the chaos.

A surge of uncertainty washed over you, prompting a series of introspective questions. If Goku were to lose, would you possess the strength to confront Beerus? Could any of you even make a dent in his formidable power? The thought lingered, but you hoped it would never come to that.

After all, fulfilling your promise to Goku would be impossible if you were all dead. He needed to channel his focus into emerging victorious. With a sigh escaping your lips, Vegeta's gaze briefly shifted towards you before returning to the sky.

"Why didn't you join the others?" Vegeta inquired, causing you to meet his gaze. "For the same reason you didn't," you replied.

Vegeta scoffed softly, and Turles playfully flicked the back of your ear. "That's a lie. You didn't want Goku to be distracted by your presence, so you ensured he could fully concentrate on the fight," Turles remarked.

You rubbed your ear, huffing softly. "Well, it's true. I won't deny it," you admitted, turning your attention back to the sky.

"But the fate of our world hinges on Beerus's judgment, not solely on whether Goku emerges victorious," you voiced, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

As your gaze remained fixed on the ongoing battle, a sudden blur caught your attention, hurtling towards the ship with incredible speed. Within moments, you recognized it to be Goku. The instinct to rush over and join him surged within you, but Vegeta's firm grip on your wrist halted your impulsive movement. "Don't. Kakarot's fight with Beerus is far from over," he cautioned.

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