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The countdown to the tournament was ticking away, with less than four hours left. The gang had gathered at Bulma's place, including you, Goku, Bardock, Turles, Calalo, Ristetta, Piccolo, Beerus, Whis, Kaio Shin, and Elder Kai. Vegeta, now that Bulma had given birth to their daughter Bulla, was busy training in the hyperbolic time chamber. Master Roshi was also honing his skills and would join the group soon, and so would Android 17. However, there was still one missing member.

As you stared at the board Shin had put together, displaying pictures of all the contestants, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Time was running out, and you needed to find the tenth person for the team. Your tail swayed anxiously as you pondered over the possibilities. Goku noticed your worry and placed a comforting hand on your back, offering a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, we'll find our last teammate before it's time to leave," Goku assured you, his voice filled with confidence. You looked up at him, a glimmer of hope in your eyes. "I really hope so, but who could it be?" you asked, your voice trailing off uncertainly.

Beerus let out an exasperated growl, his frustration evident as he devoured chunks of freshly cooked meat. "If you hadn't all weakened the Frieza Force, we wouldn't be scrambling to find a tenth member!" he bellowed in anger. Suddenly, Goku's eyes lit up with a spark of realization. "I've got it! We already have our tenth member!"

Everyone blinked in confusion, their gazes fixed on Goku. Just as the conversation unfolded, Vegeta returned, catching wind of the discussion. "Who?" the group asked in unison, their voices filled with skepticism. Goku's smile grew wider as he spoke with unwavering confidence. "Frieza!"

"Frieza?!" Several members of the gang exclaimed in disbelief, while the top three Saiyans, who harbored an intense hatred for Frieza, erupted into heated arguments. Vegeta vehemently forbade Goku from using the dragon balls to resurrect that "Piece of Filth." However, Goku reassured them all with unwavering conviction. "I'll simply ask fortune teller Baba to bring him back, just like she did for me and Vegeta before." More arguments ensued, but Goku's grin remained unyielding.

You blinked in surprise as Goku placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, if Frieza steps out of line, Y/N will take him down," he said cheerfully. Your eyes widened, taken aback by the sudden confidence everyone seemed to have in your ability to defeat Frieza. "Wait, why are you all so convinced that I can handle Frieza? I've never even seen or fought him!" you protested, perplexed. Goku grinned sheepishly. "Well, when you get super angry, especially in Mama Bear mode, you become pretty terrifying. That's why we believe in you," he explained gently. You sighed in exasperation as everyone avoided making eye contact with you. "I see, so if Frieza tries anything, I'll send him straight back to Hell," you muttered, placing your hands on your hips. "Alright then, how do we reach him?" you asked, turning to Goku. He smiled. "First, we'll go to King Yenma and ask for permission. Then we can talk to Frieza ourselves," Goku replied. A few moments later, you and Goku set off together to meet with King Yenma.

As Goku initiated instant transmission, you tightly held his hand, and in a blink of an eye, you found yourselves in a dazzling, brighter environment. Your neck craned upward as you took in the sight before you. A colossal mahogany desk loomed over you, and an even larger figure sat behind it. Clad in a business casual suit, the figure blinked in surprise upon seeing Goku and you suddenly appear before him. "Ah, Son Goku. And Son Y/N, congratulations are in order, aren't they?" Yenma spoke, his voice resonating with authority. His words slightly confused you, but you still managed to offer a sheepish thank you. Goku beamed. "Hey, King Yenma! Long time no see! We're actually here to speak with Frieza," Goku informed him, catching the condemner of souls off guard. "Why would you want to meet that scum? And bringing your newlywed wife here for such a reason..." Yenma muttered, his disapproval evident. Goku's grin faded as he adopted a serious expression, explaining the dire situation to Yenma. He emphasized the possibility of their universe being erased without Frieza's assistance.

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