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(Filler episodes sure are something. But tell me why I dreamed about a literal Frieza one shot with a mute Saiyan named Celia? Frieza being cute and having feelings for a Saiyan?! Brain, What the fu--)

The tournament was definitely drawing closer, you could feel it. But not knowing just exactly when was putting you on edge. You knew you weren't the only one, but with Zeno-Sama apparently not speeding things up meant that he was really looking forward to this being perfect, surely!

With a heavy sigh, you shake your head and refocus on the meals you were cooking, considering it's been a good minute since you've actually made a home cooked meal in a good while. Just doing something normal was a good input from all the craziness, after all. "Let's see, it's been a minute since I've made sweet and savory buns with fried rice. Maybe some omelet to go over the rice too would be good. Orange chicken too.." You mumble to yourself as you get things out to cook.

You glance up as you hear Goku and the kids outside playing. Lifting your gaze from the food to look out the window, you smile at the sight of Goku, Goten, and Solara all playing out in the freshly fallen mountain snow.

As you chuckle and turn back to the food, you decide that maybe getting a good meaty stew ready for tonight's dinner ahead of time would be a treat as well. Ooh, and hot cocoa! You giggle in a bit of delight at that thought, before you hear Gina cooing innocently from behind you.

Blinking, you turn around some, spotting the young toddler atop the dining room table with an adorable look, as she's in winter wear. You smile and dry your hands off carefully before you go to get her. "What are you doing up there, missy?" You ask, Gina squealing and hiding behind the flower vase that adorned the table as you got closer. You smile and move the vase out of the way, only to blink in confusion when Gina was inexplicably gone. "Huh..?"

You turn swiftly as Gina is now cooing loudly from atop the fridge at you, her arms outstretched excitedly. "Mama!" She squeals happily, and you smile a bit warily before you set the vase down. "As weird as that was, you're still so adorable." You coo at her, smiling as she giggles cutely. But before you can actually grab her, she is suddenly gone again.

⚪ ⚪ ⚪

"AW, HELL!!" You exclaim very loudly in realization, doing a mad dash through the house to wherever you hear Gina's bubbly baby laughter coming from, but like previously, the second you manage to reach her, she's gone again. It was obvious she was honing in on your location, but she was also popping up in different areas.

Goku had felt this, coming in with Goten and Solara holding onto him playfully as they were all covered in the fluffy and puffy snow. "Y/N? What's wrong?"

You turn to Goku swiftly, your eyes lighting up. "Goku!"

Goku grinned, but then it faded rather quickly when you began giving him the toughest, hottest glare in the entire universe, and he began to shrink.


Both Goten and Solara innocently got out of your radar, Goten noticing the rice on the stove starting to burn a bit before he went to take care of it for you, making sure Solara didn't get too close.

"Wait wait wait, what's wrong?!" Goku asks quickly as he shrank away from your intensity, though admittedly he was inwardly turned on at such fierceness coming from you--

You grip his arms tightly, starting to shake him recklessly as the snow evaporates off of him. "GOKU, WHY IN THE EVERLASTING WORLD DOES OUR YOUNGEST DAUGHTER KNOW INSTANT TRANSMISSION?!!" You shout in a panicked angry state.

Goku's eyes widened in confusion and shock. "Huh?! What are you talking about-"

Both of you look over quickly as Gina is innocently cooing, having her hands on a bag of snacks that only you knew were hidden under the bathroom sink. You paled at that, but Goku smiles as though nothing's wrong. "Is that what you're freaking out about? Even I know you hide your snacks in weird places."

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