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With the Time Machine finally repaired, the moment had arrived for Future Trunks, Vegeta, Goku, and yourself to embark on your journey to the future. As Bulma made some last-minute adjustments to ensure a smooth ride, you couldn't help but observe the young Pilaf Gang taking charge of babysitting Solara and Gina. The trio confidently assured you that everything would be fine, prompting you to offer a kind smile and a casual shrug in response. "Alright, just be careful. Lately, Solara has been imitating everyone and she can be quite mischievous," you warned, only to be interrupted by Solara's unexpected left hook connecting with Pilaf, who happened to be standing closest to her. The force of the blow sent him flying through the air, leaving you to trail off mid-sentence. You quickly apologized to Mai and Shu, who had witnessed their leader being struck by a three-year-old girl. Meanwhile, Solara and Gina innocently giggled, oblivious to the chaos they had caused. Future Trunks, wide-eyed, couldn't help but notice that Solara's punch was an exact replica of Vegeta's usual punch.

As Future Trunks observes Vegeta's smug expression after Solara's left hook, he raises an eyebrow and turns to you. "So, when you mentioned that she imitates everyone..." Trunks begins, prompting you to look at him with a playful smile. "You can probably guess who she spends more time with than me and Goku, right?" you reply innocently. Trunks watches as Goku grins and Vegeta scoffs, the smugness fading from his face. "Wait, Father, did you actually babysit Solara often?" Trunks asks, and Vegeta crosses his arms defensively. "It was a forced duty, if you must know," Vegeta retorts quickly. You shake your head, finding amusement in the situation, and proceed to explain the true reason to Trunks. "Actually, I gave birth to Solara first in the time chamber when I was still adjusting to being a full-fledged Saiyan. Spent three whole years training in there," you casually reveal. Future Trunks's eyes widen in disbelief as he listens intently. "Wait, you said 'first.' Does that mean..." he trails off, and you confirm his suspicion with a simple nod. "Yep, I had Gina in the time chamber too during those three years."

Trunks turns to face you with a mix of surprise and concern. "Hold on a second, you stayed in the time chamber the entire time? Didn't you, I don't know, take a break when you found out you were pregnant? Weren't you worried?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine worry. You scratch the back of your head sheepishly. "Well, I did know that I was pregnant with Solara before the three of us entered the chamber. I had already worked on building up my stamina and preparing myself beforehand. Now, Gina, on the other hand, was a bit of a surprise," you explain, shooting a pointed look at Goku, who chuckles nervously. Trunks gives a sheepish smile and turns his attention back to Vegeta. "So, you spent that time bonding with Solara?" he asks cautiously, causing Vegeta to scowl slightly. "Listen, boy, female Saiyans are a rarity, so I took it upon myself to ensure-" Vegeta begins, but you interject innocently. "He's completely attached to Solara, yes," you finish for him, earning a glare from Vegeta as you maintain an innocent smile. "Don't go saying such sentimental things about me, woman!" Vegeta exclaims, his voice filled with a mix of annoyance and embarrassment.

You suppress a snicker as Pilaf starts to recover from Solara's punch. Walking over, you crouch down in front of the five youngsters, but your attention is mainly focused on your daughters. With a gentle smile, you playfully boop their noses. "Solara, you and Gina need to behave for them, alright? Gina is younger, so she'll look up to you more than anyone else." Solara nods, her tail wagging innocently as she and Gina gaze up at you with wide eyes. You smile tenderly before turning to address the Pilaf Gang. "If you need any assistance, Goten and young Trunks are usually your best bet. But if things start to get out of hand, put on a movie called The Sound of Music and give them sippy cups with fruit juice," you advise. The trio quickly salutes you with a resounding "Yes, Ma'am!" before they head inside with your children.

Future Trunks watches you, his gaze softening once again as he witnesses your natural motherly instincts. Standing up straight, you rest your hands on your hips and turn back to the trio of men.

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