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After a brief respite to gather their thoughts and assess the situation, it became evident that training was of the utmost importance until Bulma's old time machine could be properly repaired. However, Vegeta had made the decision to train alone in the gravity room, and it seemed like it would take a few days before the time machine was ready. In light of this, Goku made the choice to bring you along to King Kai's Planet for training.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Trunks was determined to assist his mother in any way possible. However, his mind was also preoccupied with the anticipation of meeting Gohan and discovering the divergences in this timeline compared to the ones he was familiar with. Particularly intriguing were the four new Saiyans and the women from your family who had managed to capture the hearts of these Saiyans.

Trunks found himself captivated as he met young Solara and baby Gina. The resemblance to both you and Goku was undeniable, and a smile spread across the half Saiyan's face. In his own timeline, these girls simply did not exist. It was a peculiar and enchanting sight. Two young, full-blooded Saiyan girls, a rarity in itself, and even more so when considering you as well. Witnessing young Goten taking on the role of a protective and loving older brother to Solara and Gina filled Trunks' heart with warmth. Goten radiated with pride as his baby sisters joyfully trailed behind him, eagerly listening to his every word. It was in that moment that Goten realized he wanted more siblings, a sentiment that filled the air with a sense of joy and anticipation.

Inside the house, the group of young Saiyans, along with the Pilaf Gang, found themselves seeking relaxation. In the midst of it all, Solara dashed towards Future Trunks due to him being the oldest, her tiny hands grasping his larger one, her wide eyes capturing his attention instantly. With a smile, Trunks crouched down to her level, curious about what she wanted. Solara beamed with delight. "I want avocado," she declared, leaving Trunks slightly puzzled by her request. Nevertheless, he accepted it with a smile. "Alright, let's head to the kitchen then," Trunks responded, and Solara happily held his hand as they made their way to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, on King Kai's Planet, you and Goku engaged in an intense yet controlled sparring session. Each move was executed with precision and speed, making it nearly impossible for an ordinary observer to follow. The training regimen pushed both of you to your limits, ensuring that your powers remained evenly matched.

In the midst of the intense training session, you and Goku challenged each other to break the equilibrium of your energies. As the battle raged on, Goku posed an unexpected question, his excitement evident in his voice. "Do you think you can learn Kaioken?" he asked, effortlessly blocking your fist with his wrist.

Caught off guard by the question, you paused for a moment, considering the implications. "Well, I suppose I could, but isn't it incredibly dangerous?" you responded, a hint of concern in your voice. Suddenly, a resounding "Yes!" echoed through the air, emanating from King Kai himself, who sat at a nearby table with Bubbles and Gregory, observing the training session.

The confirmation from King Kai only added to your uncertainty. You knew that Kaioken was a powerful technique, capable of enhancing one's strength and speed exponentially. However, it also came with great risks, as it put immense strain on the body and could potentially lead to severe consequences if not used with caution.

Goku, ever the adventurous spirit, grinned at your hesitation. "I understand your concerns, but I believe in your abilities. With proper training and control, we can master Kaioken together," he reassured you, his eyes filled with unwavering confidence.

As the battle continued, you found yourself torn between the allure of mastering this dangerous technique and the fear of the potential consequences. The energy crackled around you, as each strike and dodge tested your limits. Yet, amidst the chaos, a sense of trust and love enveloped you, anchoring you in the midst of the storm.

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