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Goku had always sensed that you were suppressing your emotions to protect those around you.

Little did he know, the depth of your emotional repression only became apparent when he pushed you to your breaking point.

Despite his incredible martial arts skills and countless victories in saving the world, Goku was unprepared for the overwhelming fury that erupted from within you.

As the love of his life, he wished he could have helped you unleash this pent-up anger much earlier.

But today was the day it finally happened.

Goku skillfully blocked the wild and unpredictable punches you hurled at him, each strike accompanied by a scorching surge of your energy.

In your Super Saiyan form, your hair and tail shimmered in a brilliant golden hue, while your eyes blazed with a mesmerizing teal blue. Goku couldn't help but be captivated by your awe-inspiring yet terrifying beauty.

Goku swiftly retaliated, countering your attacks with expert precision, skillfully parrying punches and blocking kicks with ease.

However, he was taken aback by your unexpected surprise attack.

You gathered a menacing ball of energy, its shape resembling a triangular form with tiny star-like patterns swirling within it.

Goku instinctively knew to create some distance, but he couldn't avoid getting hit entirely, emitting a small yelp of pain upon impact. It didn't take long for him to recognize the attack you had unleashed. You had mentioned it once before, referring to it as the 'Jacker Sting Barrage'.

He swiftly evaded each star-like projectile, their buzzing sound resembling the most dreadful hornets zooming through the air.

Goku had mixed feelings about this attack. On one hand, he loved the sheer power and intensity it possessed. On the other hand, the stinging sensation it inflicted was excruciating, surpassing the pain of any other attack. He would rather endure being engulfed in flames than face the agony caused by those relentless strikes.

Goku swiftly unleashed a barrage of his own ki blasts, attempting to halt your relentless assault. However, in the midst of his distraction, you soared towards him, launching a series of roundhouse kicks fueled by your furious rage.

As Goku managed to push you back and retaliate with his own attacks, he couldn't resist the urge to taunt you. "You're still behaving like a cowardly spoiled princess! Where is your fire? You claim to want significance, yet you seem content with being known as a rebound, Y/N! Perhaps I shouldn't have listened to you. Maybe I should have shared you with Turles and Vegeta too!"

Goku's hurtful words pierced through you, intensifying your already overwhelming rage and allowing your raw, primal emotions to take control.

"I am not some promiscuous person, Goku! You're such a fool, unable to discern when to draw the line and cease relying on fights or intimacy to solve everything!" You scream at him, charging towards him and unleashing a barrage of punches. However, Goku's strength remained superior, as he countered with equal force, striking you back with relentless power.

"Could've fooled me!" Goku shouted, his jaw taking a punch but his hurtful words continuing to flow as he reached for your tail.

Reacting swiftly, you tucked your tail between your legs, preventing Goku from grabbing hold of it. You kicked his arm away, but before you could regain your composure, a powerful kick struck your abdomen, causing you to gasp in pain. In that moment, Goku seized the upper hand in the fight.

"You were the one who always welcomed me, always playing the role of the kind neighbor! And you know what? I entertained the idea of having two wives, but ChiChi wouldn't allow it," Goku suddenly claimed, his words clearly false. However, your emotions took it personally, and you couldn't help but feel hurt.

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