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Goku and the rest of the group had endured a few excruciating hours, filled with worry and concern. Not only had you vanished, but your young daughters were also missing. Goku's inability to sense your energy levels only added to his growing anxiety.

Dente revealed that someone had utilized the dragon balls to fulfill their desires, leaving Goku even more on edge. King Kai's attempts to reach you through telepathy had proven futile. This time, it wasn't your decision to disappear; it was someone else's wish that had caused this turmoil.

To make matters worse, your children had been dragged into this predicament as well.

Desperate for a solution, everyone's thoughts turned to Whis. Surely, he possessed the ability to locate you and your daughters, offering a glimmer of hope in this dire situation.


As you slowly regained consciousness, a deep groan escaped your lips. Your body felt as heavy as the densest lead, accompanied by a pounding headache. The freezing cold and filthy floor beneath you only added to your discomfort. With your hands tightly bound behind your back, any attempt to move resulted in a paralyzing sensation.

From the corner of your blurred vision, you heard the slow creak of a heavy door opening. Soft footsteps echoed on the dirt floor, gradually approaching your location.

Your vision remained disoriented, and all you could manage was a grunt as a hand forcefully grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back in pain.

"You've taken everything from me. Eliminating you is the only way to make things right," a feminine voice echoed in your ears. However, the dizziness made it difficult to comprehend the words, causing them to fade in and out.

Your head was released, dropping back onto the cold floor as the footsteps retreated, and the metallic door closed shut. Moments later, the room's temperature plummeted even further, intensifying the freezing cold. Your body longed to shiver, but the paralysis prevented any proper response. Your eyes slowly closed once more, your breathing becoming slow and labored.

Despite your efforts to remain conscious, your position rendered it impossible.

Solara sat huddled in a glass enclosure, clutching her Saiyan tail for comfort. Whimpers escaped her lips as she surveyed the unfamiliar room. People of various builds and armed with weapons moved in and out, creating an atmosphere of unease.

At just three years old, Solara couldn't comprehend the situation fully, but she sensed that something was terribly wrong. Where were her parents, her brothers, and Gina? None of them were present.

Solara's whimpering escalated, tears welling up in her eyes as she curled up on the cold floor. Suddenly, a woman entered the room, engaging in hushed conversation with a few others before making her way towards Solara.

The young child gazed up at the woman, her black hair and deranged look in her dark brown eyes sending shivers down Solara's spine. The woman's sinister smile grew, instilling even more fear in the vulnerable child.

"You know, I always wanted a daughter," the woman spoke, her voice laced with madness. "But your mother took that away from me. So, I'll take her away from you. But don't worry, little one. I'll be your new mommy. And then your daddy will come back for me."

Solara instinctively moved away from the woman, her tears held back as she scanned the room anxiously. "Where's Gina?" she asked, her voice trembling. The woman's smile widened, her response unsettling. "Don't worry, she's just sleeping. And soon, you'll be sleeping too. When you wake up, I'll be your mommy."

Defiance surged within Solara, refusing to accept this deranged stranger as her mother or allow her near Gina. However, as the woman pressed a button, a faint mist seeped into the holding cell through the ventilation system.

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