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A/N: I know I mixed up a few events, but the story shall continue!)

Upon receiving the urgent distress call from Bulma regarding Future Trunks, Vegeta swiftly commanded the young Trunks of the present to amplify his energy to its utmost peak, allowing Goku to lock onto their location. With successful synchronization, everyone tightly grasped onto Goku as he harnessed the incredible power of instant transmission, whisking you all away to Bulma's home in the blink of an eye.

Following your arrival, Goku once again employed his teleportation technique to swiftly to go retrieve a handful of life-saving Senzu beans from Korin. As your anxiety gnawed at your lip, you momentarily bit down, but quickly halted, realizing that the intensity of your worry might cause you to draw blood this time. However, your apprehension began to dissipate as you caught sight of your young daughters rushing towards you, their presence bringing a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Upon arriving back on Earth, Bulma immediately calls everyone over to where she and the rest of the group have gathered. You, Goku, and Vegeta make your way towards them, while Whis and Beerus opt to relax in some chairs, patiently watching the current situation.

Solara eagerly runs up to you as Goku and Vegeta go ahead to check on Future Trunks. You smile warmly and scoop her up into your arms, followed by Gina who effortlessly flies over to join you. You nuzzle your daughters affectionately before letting out a slightly melancholic sigh as Gina notices Whis and happily floats over to him. The angel catches her with delight, showering the young toddler with attention. The pang of abandonment resurfaces, and you mutter to yourself, "At least I don't have to worry about you leaving me, Solara..."

Solara giggles mischievously and wriggles out of your arms, darting over to Vegeta and playfully jumping on his back, despite the seriousness of the situation. He allows her to cling onto him, giving her a gentle pat on the head.

With a resigned sigh, you accept the fact that you'll have plenty of time to grow mushrooms in a secluded corner.

Once again, a sense of skepticism washes over you as you notice the presence of the mischievous Pilaf Gang, seemingly observing the unfolding events. However, your focus is swiftly redirected towards Future Trunks as he is administered a Senzu bean.

As Future Trunks awakens and catches sight of Goku, an immediate transformation occurs within him. His eyes burn with an intense fury, and he swiftly assumes an aggressive stance, ready to attack.

Reacting swiftly, Goku intercepts Future Trunks' punch, gripping his wrist firmly. Their arms tremble slightly, Goku's due to Trunks' force, and Trunks' due to his overwhelming rage. "I'll kill you!" Trunks bellows at Goku, leaving everyone bewildered, particularly the spiky-haired Saiyan himself.

Bulma skillfully manages to calm Trunks down, coaxing him into a state of relaxation. However, the aftermath leaves Trunks visibly shaken, as if he has been afflicted by a severe case of PTSD.

A profound sense of shock engulfs you as Future Trunks snaps out of his aggressive state, his confusion evident as he questions Goku's existence. He had believed the spiky-haired Saiyan to have perished during the climactic battle with Cell years ago. Goku offers a sheepish smile, explaining the arduous journey that led to his resurrection. Trunks, filled with remorse, bows and apologizes for his sudden attack. However, Goku dismisses it with ease, his smile unwavering.

Bulma, unable to contain her curiosity, demands an explanation from Trunks. His tear-filled eyes meet hers, and he approaches her as if in a trance, gripping her hands tightly. His body slumps slightly to his knees, and though you cannot hear his words, the intensity of the moment is palpable. As Trunks rises to his feet and catches sight of Vegeta, a silent exchange passes between them. Trunks utters a quiet "Father," causing both the Pilaf Gang and the young Trunks to react with heightened astonishment. An exasperated sigh escapes your lips until Future Trunks locks eyes with you, his gaze widening ever so slightly.

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