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Three weeks had gone by since you sent Gotenks through the trees, and then fought Goku until you lost after a good hour of going against him. With your right arm in a cast from getting broken, and Goku both apologizing and promising to get you a senzu bean as soon as Korin and Yajirobe had more, it was crazy having to do light work. You weren't mad in the slightest, but you were upset with the fact that you had to wait to heal up like a regular person, instead of having the crazy good luck pf a Saiyan considering that they got stronger the more they got beat up.

Or even being able to heal super fast like Piccolo and a few others.

Well, it wasn't too bad, at least. You did get helped around your house a lot more, but that's not to say that it didn't come without consequences.

Or at least, that was what you thought. What you didn't know was that, during this entire time Chi-Chi's suspicions surrounding you and Goku had become worse, and it was fueled by the fact that Gohan had only said something small about Goku being really close to you now more than ever. He had only meant through your sparring sessions, but ChiChi took that as a lot stronger.

And so, she did her own sneaking around to find out more about you, considering you rarely even spoke about your past life. She couldn't find anything useful, which almost made her even more upset, but she did find out about something else that did it for her.

And it had been by two slips up by Goku himself, because Chi-Chi had paid extra attention to your interactions. The first one had been when Goku simply shared some of his food with you, which was something he never did.

A rarity on the highest level, even to his sons who looked on in shock, before Goku innocently remarked that you needed your strength to get back up faster for fighting.

The second one that tied it in for ChiChi was when she caught how much Goku hugged you. How close he had himself pressed up against you, nuzzling his cheek against yours so close that your lips nearly touched.

No one thought anything of it (apart from Bulma and Vegeta, considering they knew you and the Saiyan had feelings for each other), but ChiChi felt a twinge of jealousy run through her.

And she did not like having to worry about being jealous. So she devised a plan instantly, and she was putting it to great use.

You knew something was off, but you just felt as if she wanted you to do something more than stay cooped up in your home. At least, for the moment.

ChiChi was rather more than delighted to really talk to you about dating, slightly insulting you as she did. You thought Trunks calling you old was one thing, but at least you knew it was just what little kids did to taunt people. But with ChiChi, it was like she was putting you on a time limit. She was currently folding some of your clothes for you, which made you feel a bit weird.

"If you don't get out there now, your poor ovaries will dry up and you'll never get married and start a family!"

"Just think, you still have a few years to find a nice man that'll give you everything you could ever want and he'll be able to afford it! We just need to change your diet and you should focus more on your looks than the next fight you'll be in!"

"We should have Bulma take you shopping for better clothes! You need to be wearing things that show you off, not gym clothes or things delinquent teenagers wear! It doesn't look good for an adult woman to be in baggy hoodies and converse sneakers all the time!"

It honestly was making you feel like crap, and your self consciousness was definitely digging into your skin now.

"Uh.. I don't think I.. Well, I mean, I'm fine. I don't really have to worry about dating or anything.
I'm fine." You say quietly, feeling a bit unsure as to why she was stressing it on you.

Chichi halts from what she's doing, giving you a sickly sweet smile. "Are you, though? Considering you're having romantic interactions with a married man-"

You stiffened up greatly.

"-You should really stop digging a bigger hole and go on a date with a single man instead."

With that, Chi-Chi lets your clothing fall to the floor and stands up, resting her hands on her hips. "You didn't think I wouldn't notice, did you? You're as stupid as Goku sometimes, honestly. My advice, keep away from him and cut him loose. You should be grateful that I'm such a great friend, even if you're a home-wrecking harlot. Stay away from my idiot husband and my kids, or else I'll tell everyone how much of a slut you really are."

You couldn't say anything as ChiChi left your house, leaving you sitting there.

Chichi hummed confidently as she walked back up the hill. With Goku busy with harvesting the vegetables with Goten, she had plenty of time to get her message across to you.


Goten stretched tiredly after he and Goku were done with harvesting everything, beaming happily as he could smell really good food being cooked. "That smells yummy!!" Goku grinned, scooping Goten up and making him giggle. "Let's go see what's smelling so good!" "Yeah!"


Goten was rubbing his eyes sleepily halfway through dinner, yawning softly. "I feel weird, I've never fallen asleep during dinner before.."

Goku yawned as well, still having eaten his usual amount as he nodded in agreement. "Me too. Man, we must have worked harder than usual today.."

Chichi watched them both with a smile, having added a sleeping powder to the meal that she knew they wouldn't notice. As Goten laid his head down on the table and fell into a deep sleep, Goku was still awake enough to stay leaning back, but he was quickly losing the fight. "Hey, why didn't Y/N come over to eat?"

"Oh, her? She wanted some time alone to think. Which I think is a great idea for her. Don't worry about it, though, just get some rest honey."

Goku frowns openly as he hears how sweet ChiChi speaks to him, but the sleep was quickly taking over. "What do you mean..?"

ChiChi stands to start cleaning up, watching Goku start to slump over on the table some. "She's getting on with her life, Goku. You should let it go.."


Goku groans lowly as he wakes up rather late the next day, feeling groggier than he ever had before. Stretching out on the couch as he doesn't remember laying down, Goku rubs his eyes sleepily. "Man, I feel weird..." He trails off as he hears Goten sniffling,  getting up a bit wobbly from the couch before shaking his head and heading to where his youngest son is. But once he finds Goten, he hesitates at just how red and puffy the young boy's eyes are. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Goten sniffles more, getting up and running over to his father before hugging both of his legs tightly.

"Y/N... Mom said that Y/N moved away last night!"

Goku's heart stops and drops into the pit of his stomach heavily, his eyes widening.

You wouldn't just do that... Would you?

As his eyes spot Chi-Chi taking down the dried laundry, her eyes meet his, before she smiles too innocently for him.

What had she done?

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