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"If you let that damned tyrant's words get to you, you'll not only jeopardize our win for the tournament, but it'll also bother you forever. Just hide for a bit to regain your focus, and then stay focused on winning, Y/N."

Vegeta's urgent warning echoed in your mind like a resounding bell, each word a weighty reminder of the stakes at hand. Frieza's callous mention of your deceased mother, a figure from your distant past, resonated in a haunting way, striking a raw nerve within you. But amid this emotional turmoil, you knew succumbing to distraction was a luxury you couldn't afford.

With Vegeta's counsel echoing in your thoughts, you deliberately suppressed your energy, shrouding yourself from detection, and exhaled slowly, attempting to reclaim the focus that was slipping away. The tournament, the quest for the Super Dragon Balls, the very survival of your universe—they were all at stake. The notion of becoming the weak link haunted you; failing your team, your family, and above all, disappointing Goku, was an unbearable thought.

Bowing to the necessity of the moment, you closed your eyes, seeking solace in a momentary respite. Your body, adorned with lingering snake bites and quivering from a mix of adrenaline and fatigue, begged for reprieve. Yet, even in this moment of attempted calm, a seismic surge of energy disrupted even the tranquility of the World of Void outside the arena, an unmistakable force that could belong to only one being: Jiren.

The arrival of this unparalleled warrior cut through your fragile peace, signaling a new phase of the imminent challenge.

The symphony of escalating power surged through the atmosphere, resonating within you as Goku ascended through his formidable forms, culminating in the illustrious Super Saiyan Blue. You shut your eyes momentarily, honing in on the distinct energies of both Goku and Jiren, aiming to follow their intense clash.

Yet, as quickly as you attempted to concentrate, the skirmish erupted unexpectedly, their titanic clash rippling through the battleground. Sensing the magnitude of their exchanges, you ascended higher, seeking vantage to witness the tumultuous duel unfold and, more importantly, to ensure Goku's safety.

The battle unfolded like a furious dance across the heavens, each strike sending colossal chunks of debris hurtling through space. Despite Goku's valiant efforts, a crimson hue began to envelop his Super Saiyan Blue aura, a telltale sign of further power-up—whether tapping into the King Kai Fist x 20, Super Saiyan God, or perhaps even the mysterious SSBeast. Your silent encouragement reverberated through the ether, directed at Goku, a beacon of unwavering support amidst the chaos.

However, Jiren proved himself no mere spectator in this clash of titans. His movements blurred with incredible speed, almost as if Goku succumbed to devastating blows without Jiren visibly shifting position—an unnerving display of raw power. Witnessing a solitary droplet of sweat roll down Goku's determined countenance, a gnawing worry clenched at your core.

Yet, undeterred by adversity, Goku rallied, unveiling a trump card amidst the chaos. Vaulting to a higher platform, he raised both palms skyward, beseeching the collective energy of your universe to fuel a tremendous force—the legendary Spirit Bomb. In awe, your eyes widened, for never before had you witnessed the actual manifestation of this mythical attack.

Responding to Goku's call, you willingly contributed your energy, feeling a part of your essence dissipate as you became enveloped in a translucent white aura. However, amidst this collective surge, Vegeta remained resolute, a solitary figure declining to partake, a choice that didn't sway your faith.

As the colossal Spirit Bomb hurtled towards Jiren, anticipation gripped you—yet astonishment mingled with dread as Jiren effortlessly redirected the attack back towards Goku. Panic surged within you; this unforeseen turn of events wasn't part of the plan.

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