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In that intense moment, your unwavering gaze remained fixed on the purple cat-like figure who had effortlessly immobilized Vegeta with a mere glance. The tension in the air was palpable, but you couldn't bear to leave Vegeta stranded on the cruise ship's deck like this. As you took a hesitant step forward, Vegeta's strained voice broke the silence, urging you to stay put. "Don't approach him, Y/N... stay where you are!"

You hesitated, your tail bristling with unease as you tightly clenched your fists.

The cat man's smirk widened, revealing his sharp feline teeth. "Oh, come now. I wouldn't dare prevent a beautiful woman from reveling in my magnificent presence, especially one donning such a revealing attire."

Your brows furrowed, and you quickly glanced down at yourself, realizing that although your blouse covered your chest, it still exposed your cleavage from the right angle.

Damn it, Bulma!

Blushing, you took a deep breath and decided to play along, cautiously approaching the cat man and his blue-skinned companion.

"I... I apologize for the inappropriate attire. It wasn't really my choice," you mumble under your breath, kneeling down beside Vegeta to help him sit up. The energy emanating from Vegeta feels unsettling, an electric presence that sends shivers down your spine. But you remain composed.

"I also apologize if we have caused any offense," you say calmly, aware that swallowing your pride is necessary for survival, both for yourself and Vegeta.

The cat man hums softly, seemingly accepting your apology, but his gaze remains fixated on the curve of your cleavage beneath your blouse. Given your proximity, he can probably see beyond your bra line.

"I am a merciful deity, am I not?" the cat man questions, his tone almost rhetorical.

You can't help but tense up as he crouches down in front of you and Vegeta, bringing you all to eye level, his long tail swaying behind him.

"Allow me to pose a simple question: Are either of you familiar with the concept of Super Saiyan God?" The cat-like alien inquires, leaving you and Vegeta perplexed amidst the tense atmosphere.

"Super Saiyan God...?" you echo, your curiosity piqued.

The cat man observes the intrigue in your eyes and Vegeta's, before letting out a sigh and straightening himself. "I suppose not. Perhaps the oracle fish was mistaken after all. Oh well."

His nonchalant words carry an underlying sense of foreboding, causing your eyes to widen as he rises to his feet. "What a waste of time."

A knot forms in your stomach as he raises his palm towards you and Vegeta, a swirling purple orb materializing within it.

Just then, Bulma appears around the corner, a sigh escaping her lips as she holds a drink in her hand. The sight of her causes all of you to turn towards her in tense silence.

As soon as she realizes that you and Vegeta are present, she raises an eyebrow. "So this is where you two have been hiding. Who are your friends?"

As Bulma begins to approach, Vegeta once again intervenes, urging her to stay away. "Stay back!"

Bulma furrows her brow and glances at you, seeking an explanation. However, before you can respond, the cat man interjects.

"You're quite impolite to women, Prince Vegeta," he remarks, turning his attention to Bulma. "It appears that this one here has had a bit too much to drink, and this lovely lady was merely assisting him before we arrived."

Once again, he compliments your appearance, and you hope that it doesn't escalate any tensions, especially with Turles or Goku if he were to arrive before things took a turn for the worse.

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