50 (🍓🍋)

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It had been approximately forty-eight hours since everyone had returned home, and little did you expect that your time would be consumed by endless shopping. Initially, you had only intended to purchase a few essential items, nothing extravagant, and certainly not exceeding a few hundred dollars. However, you quickly realized your mistake when Bulma, Calalo, Videl, and the rest of the youngsters joined in, transforming the shopping experience into an extravagant spree.

The men, serving as mere muscle to carry the multitude of purchases, accompanied the group on a grand excursion through various shopping malls. Fortunately, a nearby buffet provided respite amidst the chaos. Goku's instant transmission abilities proved invaluable, effortlessly transporting the newly acquired items back to Bulma's house, sparing you from the arduous task of lugging them all at the end of the shopping extravaganza.

While most of the guys eventually ventured to the buffet alongside Videl and Calalo, tasked with keeping them in line, you and Bulma found yourselves in a lingerie store, courtesy of Bulma's suggestion.

"Bulma, I'm not entirely convinced that I need clothes from... this kind of store," you express hesitantly, your gaze fixed on a display of revealing nightgowns.

Bulma playfully nudges you in the side, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously. "Oh, come on! You need to broaden your wardrobe horizons! You can't keep oscillating between lazy, comfortable clothes and training gis all the time. It's time to spice up your look! And don't give me that 'Goku doesn't care about these things' excuse. Just because he appreciates you in any attire doesn't mean he won't be blown away when he sees you in one of these!" Bulma exclaims, holding up a tantalizing lingerie set that even catches your eye.

"Alright, but I don't need a whole lot, you know?" you respond, turning away from her to explore a few more items. Bulma giggles mischievously, gently pushing you into a fitting room after selecting a few pieces for you to try on. "Just give it a chance!"

You let out a sigh, realizing that you couldn't really refuse her request.

After completing your shopping spree and purchasing a fair share of items for both you and Bulma, you make your way to the buffet where the rest of the group is waiting. Suppressing a sigh, you can't help but notice the annoyance on the faces of other patrons as they witness the Saiyans (except for yourself) devouring nearly everything in sight.

Once everyone finally returns to their respective homes, you waste no time in preparing the rooms for your daughters. In order to work undisturbed, you decide to have Goku, the girls, and Goten stay over at Turles' place, despite their protests of wanting to assist you.

However, you do allow Goten to lend a hand, leaving Goku and Turles in charge of watching over Solara and Gina.

Once everything is finally settled, you and Goten exchange a triumphant high-five, acknowledging a job well done.

As the day comes to an end and the children are fast asleep, you find yourself standing in front of the bathroom mirror, feeling a bit shy. This time, you managed to enjoy a shower alone, as Goku had gone off to train before bedtime.

You catch a glimpse of yourself in one of the nightgowns you had chosen earlier. It is slightly transparent, made of silky fabric with delicate lace details. The garment stops a few inches past your lower waist, allowing your tail to comfortably poke through a specially made opening.

As you step out of the bathroom, you are startled by Goku's sudden appearance, indicating that he has finished his training. His eyes widen as he gazes at you, causing your entire body to flush with embarrassment. Before Goku can say anything, you instinctively take a step back towards the bathroom. "Uh, I was just... trying this on... Um..." you stammer, feeling a mix of nervousness and self-consciousness.

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