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(so, I didn't realize that I'm still literally twenty episodes away from the tournament.

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If I had better off days from work I'd be catching up much faster on the episodes. So, until then, I'll give more family filler episodes. Mainly on the Son Family mingling with the Bunny Family. And if you haven't already, and if you'd like to, I have other stories on my Wattpad page that you can read to pass the time. Other than that, the next few chapters will be free writing fillers. Enjoy and take care of yourselves (。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。) ).

Today, your nerves were on edge, trembling with an intensity that was hard to contain. The reason behind this overwhelming anxiety? The Bunny Family's esteemed matriarch had expressed her desire to meet your husband and children. This was particularly significant because Suiji, before his untimely demise, had officially adopted you. And now, as a newlywed, you had yet to introduce Goku and the kids to the formidable elder.

But it wasn't just you who felt the weight of unease. Calalo and Ristetta, too, had received their own "letters" instructing them to present Bardock and Turles to the venerable family member, seeking her blessings. In Calalo's den room, you found yourself pacing in a never-ending circle, your tail swishing anxiously behind you. Why did this encounter feel so daunting? Well, simply put, the matriarch was downright terrifying!

Calalo and Ristetta joined you in the den, their own nerves palpable. Calalo absentmindedly played with the curls in her hair, a telltale sign of her unease, while Ristetta nervously nibbled on the ends of her fingernails. Meanwhile, in the living room, the three older male Saiyans observed your collective reactions with confusion, unable to decipher the true nature of this impending meeting.

Goku gently intervened, sensing your distress and wanting to alleviate your anxiety. He approached you, his warm smile melting away some of your nerves as he took hold of your hands. Looking up at him, you found solace in his presence, and your tail instinctively wrapped around his thigh for comfort. Goku lovingly nuzzled against you, his affectionate gesture offering reassurance.

"It can't be that bad, can it?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. "What's so scary about meeting your great-great-grandma?" You let out a shaky sigh, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. "It's... Well, she's... Calalo, maybe it's better if you explain," you suggested, turning to your aunt for assistance.

Calalo sighed deeply, leaning against Bardock for support as he stood by her side. Turles joined the group, holding Ristetta close in his arms while his tail swayed with a mix of concern and anticipation. Calalo swallowed nervously, her usually composed demeanor faltering as she struggled to find the right words.

"Our matriarch is... She's very traditional and holds strong beliefs," Calalo began, her voice wavering slightly. "As the current head of the family, she has certain expectations and standards. I just... It's hard to explain." Calalo's rare display of uncertainty spoke volumes about the magnitude of the situation.

Goku's curiosity persisted as he sought to understand the gravity of the situation. "So, is she strong like Lord Beerus?" he inquired, trying to grasp the essence of the matriarch's authority. Calalo shook her head, her voice trembling slightly as she responded, "No, it's not about physical strength. It's about her ability to dictate what she deems acceptable within the family, especially when it comes to relationships with those she perceives as outcasts. That's what makes her so fearsome."

Ristetta chimed in, her voice low and filled with a sense of solemnity. "In our family, many relationships have been shattered, but no one dares to challenge NaNa's final word. Ever. If someone opposes her decisions, they are cast out from the family, rejected by their own kin. We are all at risk of facing this fate, but... Y/N..." Her voice trailed off, and you couldn't help but look down, a heaviness settling in the air.

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