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You, Goku, and Vegeta stared up at the fused Zamasu, your expressions filled with intense determination, while Bulma and the rest of the group stood firmly behind you. The atmosphere crackled with an overwhelming surge of power, as this formidable adversary smirked down at all of you with a condescending air. Despite Zamasu's imposing strength, the three of you were confident that you could face him head-on, fueled by a burning desire for revenge against the self-righteous Kai.

Vegeta's anger boiled over as he questioned, "What is his plan?" All of you observed in awe as the newly fused Zamasu extended his arms, his aura shimmering with a blend of silver and various vibrant hues. Zamasu's voice resonated, revealing the fusion of two distinct powers within his single form. Suddenly, he became engulfed in a blinding white aura, pulsating with an unimaginable amount of energy. Though you had to shield your eyes from the intense radiance, you never wavered in your focus on the looming threat above.

"He's becoming even stronger!" you growled through gritted teeth, your determination unwavering.

As the blinding white aura dissipated, your attention shifted towards Zamasu, who now possessed a double circle of energy behind him, resembling a divine halo of a warrior angel. It was an ironic representation, given his twisted intentions. You couldn't help but scoff quietly, your tail swishing with anger before tightly coiling around your waist.

Zamasu's laughter filled the air, his grin widening as he clenched his fists. "Witness the power of a body that can endlessly grow stronger and is impervious to death! This power coursing through me... It is the embodiment of true justice!" Zamasu proclaimed, ascending higher into the sky, preparing to unleash an attack.

Suddenly, bolts of lavender lightning erupted from his hands, narrowly missing you, Goku, and Vegeta as you braced yourselves. Even though the attack didn't make contact, the residual static sent tingles of electricity through your bodies. The sheer magnitude of the energy was unfathomable.

"Trunks! Protect Bulma and the others!" Vegeta commanded, urgently directing Trunks to shield the rest of the group.

Trunks swiftly followed Vegeta's command, ensuring the safety of Bulma, Mai, and the two Supreme Kais, allowing you, Goku, and Vegeta to confront Zamasu directly. However, Zamasu remained unfazed, calmly remarking, "No, you don't." He unleashed another streak of lavender lightning towards all of you, but you, Goku, and Vegeta countered with a united blast of energized blue ki, effectively blocking the attack.

"Quit wasting time and hurry!" Vegeta urged Trunks and the others, his voice filled with urgency. Bulma swiftly encapsulated the garage in a capsule, while Trunks carried her and Mai, swiftly flying away. The two Supreme Kais found a safe hiding spot, keeping themselves out of harm's reach.

"Heh, Vegeta, you've really turned into a good guy," Goku teased, earning a scoff from Vegeta. "I don't need your flattery, you idiot!" Vegeta retorted.

"Impudent Saiyans!" Zamasu exclaimed, his eyes narrowing with intensity. "I shall demonstrate the power of divine light! Behold, the Blades of Judgment!" His eyes glowed with a menacing red hue, and suddenly, countless red blade-shaped arrows rained down upon the three of you, towering over your forms.

In a split second, the blades detonated all around you, causing cries of pain to escape your lips as the powerful energy sent you, Goku, and Vegeta hurtling backward. Zamasu reveled in his sadistic game, relentlessly showering you with the Blades of Judgment to gauge his newfound strength.

After a brief pause, you managed to pick yourself up from beneath the rubble, witnessing Goku and Vegeta doing the same. With a fiery glare, you directed your anger towards Zamasu, muttering, "Jackass." Gowasu and Shin materialized behind you, ensuring all three of your well-beings. Your gaze remained fixed on Zamasu as Gowasu addressed the overwhelming power he possessed. Locked in a silent battle of wills, you and Zamasu exchanged a heated stare, his smirk widening while you growled under your breath. Despite the doubts expressed by Gowasu and Shin regarding the possibility of defeating Zamasu's immense power, you refused to back down.

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