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Standing beside Kale, you both observed Goku and Caulifla engaging in a light sparring session, both of them transformed into their super Saiyan forms. Your attention shifted to Kale, noticing a hidden intensity in her onyx eyes that her shy demeanor couldn't conceal. "Go ahead, it's perfectly fine for you to support your teammate," you encouraged Kale, causing her to look up at you with wide eyes. To be honest, you expected her to offer verbal support, not to release a feeble ki blast towards Goku, who effortlessly blocked it.

"You there, could you please refrain from interrupting us?" Goku sternly questioned, entering serious mode. However, you swiftly intervened on Kale's behalf. "I apologize, that was my mistake," you quickly apologized with a sheepish smile. Goku's expression softened slightly, and he returned to sparring with Caulifla.

Letting out a sigh, you placed a hand on your hips. "I'm sorry too, Kale. I didn't anticipate this situation would result in reprimands," you muttered, causing Kale to gaze at you. "U-Um... why aren't you attacking me...?" she timidly inquired.

You blink, offering her a reassuring smile. "Because I don't want to attack you right now. I want you to gain more confidence, just like your sister, or should I say, teacher, out there," you explain, your gaze fixed on the ongoing sparring. "Besides, you remind me of myself, but you already possess more confidence than I ever did at your age." Kale listens attentively, her eyes shifting downward towards her feet. "But... but you're much stronger than me, aren't you?" she asks, her voice filled with uncertainty. You chuckle softly. "Well, yes, I suppose so. But remember, you haven't had the opportunity to fight and defeat anyone else yet, have you? I'm confident that you will, though. Goku actually played a significant role in helping me reach my level. Of course, it didn't hurt that I fell in love with him and wanted to be by his side, which motivated me to train even harder," you confess with a grin. Unbeknownst to you, your words trigger something within Kale. She didn't want the same thing to happen with Caulifla, but the thought of Caulifla falling in love with Goku instantly crossed her mind. Imagining Caulifla with him instead of herself... It was enough to make Kale snap.

"I won't let him... I won't let you take her from me, Son Goku!!" Kale's sudden outburst echoes through the air, causing you to inhale sharply. Her energy undergoes a rapid and drastic transformation, shifting three times in quick succession. With wide eyes, you instinctively take a step back, as Goku and Caulifla have also halted their sparring to observe Kale.

Did your words trigger this reaction? You can't be certain, but the intensity of her rage is undoubtedly directed towards Goku.

You watch in awe as Kale undergoes a tremendous power surge, her long black hair spiking upwards and transforming into a vibrant greenish-yellow hue. She assumes the form of a Super Saiyan, but her strength surpasses anything you have witnessed from anyone else in that state alone.

As her aura undergoes another three transformations, causing an explosion, you quickly jump away from the impact. Landing beside Goku, you cautiously observe the once-shy Saiyan who now exudes an overwhelming presence.

"Uh... I wasn't expecting that," you mumble, momentarily disregarding Caulifla's shouts of admiration towards Kale, whose every step leaves cracks in the mineral floor of the stage.

"Her energy is incredible!" Goku remarks, his expression serious as he remains focused on Kale's formidable form. You clench your fists anxiously, stealing a glance at Goku. "Yes, but-"

Before you can react, Kale lunges forward, targeting Goku with a powerful punch. However, Goku swiftly counters, blocking her attack with his arms and sliding back several meters. The force of her strike also sends you and Caulifla flying backward, but you manage to land safely on your feet. Kale's attention remains solely on Goku, who calmly approaches her. An uneasy feeling gnaws at you as Goku appears too nonchalant once again, and warnings from Turles and Vegeta only add to your concern. Suddenly, Kale grabs Goku by the ankle and effortlessly hurls him against the ground. "Goku!" you cry out in worry, ready to intervene and offer assistance.

A single glance from Goku, despite his ongoing battle against Super Kale, compels you to halt your attempt to assist him. However, your stubbornness resurfaces as soon as Kale sends Goku flying once again, gripping his face and propelling him even further.

Growling with determination, you swiftly fly after them, positioning yourself in front of Kale after she hurls Goku through a pile of debris from previous sparring. "Oi, Kale!" you exclaim angrily, though your smaller frame is dwarfed by her towering Super Saiyan form. However, Kale's piercing white eyes don't even acknowledge your presence as she continues to chant "Kill Son Goku" repeatedly. In a moment of frustration, you unleash a ki blast towards her cheek, but she remains unfazed, briefly glancing at you before backhanding you away. You land on your feet, seething with anger at Kale's sudden disregard for your presence, as if you were nothing more than an insignificant speck.

As you prepare to retaliate, Goku emerges from the debris in his Super Saiyan Blue form, ready to confront Kale with even greater power. He charges up a Kamehameha, poised to engage in a fierce battle with her.

To your astonishment, Kale effortlessly walks through Goku's Super Saiyan Blue Kamehameha, once again seizing his face and hurling him backward. Snarling at Kale, you swiftly rush to Goku's aid, positioning yourself defensively beside him as Kale roars, her fists clenched. Her power surges once more, causing a pillar to materialize beneath her. Something is definitely amiss with her.

"Are you alright?" you inquire, helping Goku to his feet with haste. "Yeah, thanks," Goku replies, but before anyone can react, Kale unleashes a barrage of highly charged ki blasts in all directions. The warriors scramble to dodge the onslaught, and the aftermath is marked by billowing smoke and extensive damage to the arena.

"That was too close!" Goku exclaims, pushing aside a slab of debris that had fallen on both of you. You let out a weary sigh, realizing that Kale has vanished. However, you know it won't be for long. Urging Goku to remain quiet, you find a hiding spot behind some debris, aware that Kale is still powered up and actively searching for him.

Goku complies with your request and remains vigilant alongside you. Meanwhile, a fighter from Universe 11 attempts to restrain Kale using a special ki lasso, but her overwhelming power proves too much, evident from the shock on the other fighter's face.

As you keep your gaze fixed on Kale, your face suddenly flushes with embarrassment when you feel Goku's hand caressing your bottom in an affectionate manner. You gently smack his hand away, hissing shyly, "Stop it!" Goku lets out a quiet chuckle in response. "Sorry, but you have a hole in your pants... I didn't know you wore the green lacy ones for the fight today. They're your lucky pair, right?" he whispers, causing your jaw to drop in mortification as you hastily check if the hole is noticeable. "S-Shut up!" you retort, redirecting your attention back to the unfolding scene.

Eventually, Jiren manages to blast Kale away, effectively incapacitating her without causing her to be eliminated from the platform. With Kale neutralized, Goku takes the opportunity to make himself known to Jiren before you can intervene, prompting a sigh to escape your lips.

Deep down, you knew this confrontation was inevitable.

(Short chapter I know, but I wanted to give you guys something. Just dealing with work and home, and now I'm currently sick, so yay. Hope to see you all again soon.)

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