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This morning, as the sun gently kissed the room, you and Goku were lost in peaceful slumber, cherishing the warmth of the bed. Little did you know, the kids were already wide awake, brimming with energy for the day ahead.

Suddenly, the delicate touch of tiny hands caressed your cheek, rousing you from your dreams. Slowly, you opened your eyes, adjusting to the soft light, only to find Solara and Gina gazing at you with innocent doe eyes, their smiles radiating pure angelic joy. "Good morning, mama!" Solara exclaimed cheerfully, while Gina attempted to mimic her sister's words with adorable gibberish.

A warm smile graced your face as you sat up, carefully gathering both little girls in your arms. "Good morning, my darlings."

In the midst of this tender moment, your attention shifted towards Goku, who was not as fortunate to experience a peaceful awakening. Goten, with his boundless energy, had decided to greet his father by playfully launching his knees onto Goku's shoulders and neck. "Wake up, dad!"

You couldn't help but be grateful for your Saiyan heritage, as Goku would have surely suffered severe injuries or worse. Instead, he jolted awake, as if shaken from a deep slumber, letting out a tired yawn.

A soft chuckle escapes your lips as Goku sits up, with Goten practically bouncing with excitement beside him. "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Goten," you reply, observing the joy on his face as Goku playfully tousles his hair.

A few moments later, you assist Gina in getting dressed, ensuring she is snug in a cute and warm outfit. Meanwhile, Solara insists on dressing herself, exercising her independence.

You glance over and witness Solara standing in front of her wardrobe, a pout forming on her face as she struggles to make a decision. Most of the clothes she has chosen so far are shades of blue. With Gina settled comfortably on your lap, you gently inquire, "Solara, sweetheart, would you like some help?"

"No!" Solara quickly retorts, causing you to stifle a laugh.

You rise from the bed, cradling Gina in your arms, and assure Solara, "I'll be back to check on you in just a moment, okay?" Solara nods eagerly, and you plant a tender kiss on her head before leaving the bedroom with Gina.

As you enter the living room, Gina emits soft coos, her tiny hands reaching out for Goku. With a wide grin, Goku gently takes Gina from your arms, showering her with affectionate nuzzles that elicit joyful giggles. You can't help but smile as Goten floats up, making silly faces to entertain Gina, causing her laughter to fill the room. With Gina in good hands, you return to Solara's room to see how she's doing.

Solara stands before you, clad in her favorite blue ensemble, looking up at you with an adorable pout.

A soft chuckle escapes your lips. "Do you need my help?" you inquire, addressing the three-year-old. Finally, she nods in surrender, allowing you to assist her in getting dressed.

Once Solara is properly dressed, a radiant beam of happiness illuminates her face, and you can't help but feel a surge of warmth as she embraces you tightly. "Alright, now it's time for breakfast, right?" you ask, to which she responds with an enthusiastic nod.

After a satisfying breakfast, you decide to check on Turles's house on his behalf, as the Saiyan pirate has been absent for quite some time. Making sure everything is in order, you return to Goku and the rest of the group, and moments later, you all gather at Bulma's place using Goku's instant transmission.

Goten eagerly dashes off to find Trunks, while you take Gina inside to search for Bulma, a smile adorning your face. Goku carefully carries Solara on his shoulder as they head straight to the gravity room to locate Vegeta.

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