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It had been just six months since the epic defeat of Majin Buu, a battle that marked the end of a three-year-long dilemma (which had been the life drama with the obstacle known as ChiChi).

Life had taken a new turn, with Gohan officially moving out into his own house and settling down with Videl after completing high school. This left you with only Goten, your little bird, still in the nest. Well, if you counted Turles, who practically took over your house when Goku insisted you move into his place. It was strange at first, but now that your belongings, even your bed, were comfortably settled in Goku's house, you had grown accustomed to the arrangement. (That and you would have never heard the end of it from Goku pestering you relentlessly to move in).

Today, you found yourself reluctantly assisting with the radish harvest. Digging them out was an arduous task that you despised. Goku was there too, lending a hand, but in your opinion, he couldn't resist showing off.

Sticking your tongue out at him, you couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and amusement as he grinned innocently in response. Just then, Goten swooped in, flying over with lunch for both of you.

Grateful for Goten's thoughtfulness, you smiled and planted a kiss on his head, causing his face to light up with joy. He handed you a generously sized bento box, and then proceeded to give one to Goku as well.

Taking a well-deserved break, both of you sat down to enjoy the meal. Goten hopped onto the tractor, and you made sure it was turned off. You couldn't help but wonder why Goku bothered with using it when the two of you were doing the manual labor as part of your training. Goku simply shrugged innocently, "It gets boring real fast when you're not here, so I use it then."

You rolled your eyes playfully and smiled, shaking your head. "Ah, I see. I'm glad I make work so much more enjoyable for you."

Goku giggled innocently, already finishing up his meal. He attempted to sneak an extra bite from your bento, but you quickly warned him, "Eat my food, and you'll be the one doing the dishes tonight." Goku let out a playful whine in response.

Innocently, Goten asked, "Will Grandpa Bardock and Uncle Turles be home tonight?" You paused, considering his question, and playfully swatted away Goku's sneaky hand that was trying to snatch more food from your bento. "I think Bardock has another date with my aunt. He's probably enjoying being spoiled by her. And as for Turles, he's somewhere in the Amazon rainforest, I believe," you replied, uncertain.

Goten nodded, humming softly as he nestled against your side, relishing the gentle head pats you gave him. "Hmm, do you want to train with us?" you asked Goten, watching his eyes sparkle with excitement. "Yeah! But why are you training?" he inquired.

Goku hummed contentedly, grateful that you ended up giving him the rest of your food. "Just in case we encounter another enemy like Majin Buu. We need to keep getting stronger," he explained.

You nodded in agreement, understanding Goku's predicament. However, your eyes widened as Goten mentioned his promise to Trunks about finding a present for Videl. "Oh! I need to get her a gift as well, but..." You glanced over at the field, realizing that you and Goku were only halfway done with the work. With Gohan and Videl's upcoming wedding, you needed to find gifts for both of them, but the work wouldn't finish on its own.

"Ah, I have an idea! Goten, could you help me pick out a gift for Gohan and Videl too? I'll give you the money, and you can choose something for them, alright?"

Goten hummed thoughtfully. "So I can get them two gifts? Okay!" You smiled, hopping off the tractor. "I'll give you enough money so that you and Trunks can buy some snacks later, okay?"

Goten nodded happily, and you directed him to where he could find your wallet. As you watched him rush off with excitement, Goku wrapped his arms around your waist, his tail playfully curling around yours. "Hmmm, we should get married too someday," he murmured.

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