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(Super long chapter! 4077 words, but I was getting what I could all into one chapter. Enjoy!)

While you were recovering from your illness, Bulma took charge of ensuring that Goku and the rest of the gang helped you without overwhelming you. It was well-known that Bulma could be quite intimidating when she was angry.

Due to his intense fear of needles, Goku made sure to keep his distance from Bulma. Instead, he stumbled upon Turles in his room, who was busy rummaging through your keepsake box. "What are you up to?" Goku asked curiously.

Turles grunted in response, momentarily distracted. "There seems to be a hidden compartment at the bottom of this box."

Goku's eyes widened with intrigue as he observed Turles successfully lifting the secret compartment. Inside, they discovered an intricately designed key and a folded piece of paper containing an address and a series of mysterious numbers.

As Goku snatched the key from Turles, the Saiyan examined it with a puzzled expression. "This key doesn't seem to belong to anything I'm familiar with. Maybe it's for a spaceship?"

Turles's eyes lit up with excitement, but he swiftly snatched the key back from Goku's grasp. "I'll hold onto it. Knowing you, you'd probably misplace it somewhere ridiculous and forget all about it."

Goku pouted and quickly trailed after Turles as they made their way downstairs to find Bulma. However, upon spotting her holding a syringe, Goku let out a startled "Eep!" and sought refuge behind the slightly taller Saiyan.

Bulma sighed in exasperation. "Goku, try to be more discreet. I just administered Y/N the Saiyan equivalent of a cocktail shot, and she needs all the rest she can get."

Turles peered into your room, his tail swaying gently as he noticed the return of your natural skin color, which had previously been pale. He then turned his attention back to Bulma. "Do you happen to have one of those Earth maps?"

The sight of Bardock and Vegeta, both wearing aprons and engrossed in their respective tasks, caught the attention of Goku and Turles as they followed Bulma to the living room. If you weren't confined to your bed, you would have found it both adorable and amusing.

Bulma tilted her head curiously as she disposed of the syringe in a designated waste box. "Yeah, I have a map. But what do you need it for?"

Turles handed her the key and the piece of paper, allowing her to examine them closely. "This key looks ancient, and the address doesn't seem familiar. We found them in Y/N's keepsake box."

Bulma hummed with instant intrigue. "I'll input the address into my GPS and we can go check it out, but someone needs to stay with Y/N and keep an eye on her."

Goku found himself torn between unraveling the mystery and taking care of you, but before he could decide, Vegeta spoke up. "I'll watch over her. Kami knows Kakarot would have a meltdown trying to choose."

"Aw, thanks, best buddy!" Goku exclaimed happily, causing Vegeta to grumble in annoyance with a muttered "No!" that went completely ignored by Goku, who giggled obliviously.

Bardock swiftly removed the cleaning apron he had been wearing. "Count me in too. I have a bet with Y/N about whether her uncle was a notorious smuggler or not."

Bulma shook her head, then turned to Vegeta as she grabbed her keys. "Alright, just make sure Y/N gets plenty of rest. And keep her hydrated. Oh, and there's a storm approaching, so remember to close the window before it starts raining."

Vegeta let out a loud huff. "I've got it! Damn woman, I'm not completely clueless when it comes to this stuff." Bulma simply smiled and left with the others to unravel the mystery.

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