Theories and Discussion- Kate the Chaser

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She has medium length black hair and brown eyes. Her skin is pale but she has a good amount of color on her still. She became a very aggressive proxy after being stalked by Slenderman. She had seen him when she was young and he reappears years later, driving her over the edge.


Kate appears to be completely feral, choosing to grunt and growl instead of speaking. She chases relentlessly, not caring who it is she's chasing even if it's someone she knows. Despite that, she does seem to have small breakthroughs of humanity. At one point in the game she is briefly shown crying in a corner. Once approached, she snaps back into her proxy persona and attacks swiftly and violently, presumably killing her old friend.


The only clear motive she has is following Slenderman's will. Even though she does it unintentionally, she still follows through with it.


I don't think she has photophobia. (Sensitivity to light.) In the game, you stun her using the flashlight which is why people say she has photophobia. But think about it, you guys are running around in a dark mine. Obviously shining a light in her face is going to make her double over for a second. But if she attacks in broad daylight, shining a light in her eyes isn't going to do anything.

Yeahhhh photophobia would not make much sense at all. She's a pretty strong person who works for Slenderman after all. A little light isn't going to do much lol. Besides, why would Slenderman choose someone with that kind of weakness? It'd be a bit too easy to take her down if she did have photophobia. - Brinlee 

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