Theories and Discussion- Doll Maker

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*TRIGGER WARNING: SA (sexual assault), extreme gore, self-harm*

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One of my favorites due to his redeemable nature. Also just a really good and unique story overall!


His full name is Vaughn Pavlovich Volikov, but he goes by Vine. He was born on December 24th, 1962 in Russia. He's 6'3 and has long black hair that goes to the middle of his back. His bangs are long and messy. He has a smile stitched into one side of his mouth and he has two different colored eyes. His right eye is pink and slightly luminescent, it's a glass doll eye he put in after gouging out his original eye. It doesn't move. His left eye is a stormy blue color. The smile he tried to stitch on and the eye he put in were both done in an attempt to make himself beautiful. He stopped due to the pain and felt he'd failed in making himself beautiful.

His figure is lean but he does have muscle even though he's a bit underweight. He's got scars on his face, one of which is on the right side of his mouth in an 'x' shape. It's stitched on. He has another one that goes across his lip, one over the bridge of his nose, and two going over his left eye. All of these are self inflicted, but there are others here and there caused by victims fighting back. At times his eyes and scars can be hard to see because of his hair.

His voice is described as pleasant, soothing, charming, calm, and smooth. He dresses in black dress pants, black dress shoes and a blueish dress shirt with swallow tails and silver buttons.

When Vine was a boy his father had a successful business making dolls, but he and Vine lived together modestly. His mother died during childbirth. Vine wanted to be just like his father when he grew up. One day an old creep requested a doll from Vine's father, but he refused to make it because he knew the guy was going to use the doll for perverted purposes. The creep ended up being rich, so he hired a couple of men to kill Vine's father. The men lit the house ablaze and Vine's father sacrificed himself to save Vine. His father died in front of him. He was nine at the time and spent awhile crying over the body before getting up to look for anything that survived the fire. He only found a glass pink eye, which is the one he replaced his own eye with years later.

The hitmen later returned to ensure the job was done and they found Vine, so they took him back to the old creep who abused him for three years in ways I won't describe. Over this period of time his mind deteriorated, he survived by living in his own little made up world. One day, Vine snapped and took a pen to the creep's carotid artery, killing him. He stole some money from him and ran, getting parts to make dolls and beginning to sell them out of abandoned homes. He eventually began to want to use real people as dolls rather than shaping them from clay or other materials.

His first victim after the creep was a girl named Emily. Her body was found in a park wearing an elegant hand stitched gown. The corners of her mouth had been sewn into a smile and her lips were painted red. Her eyes had been gouged out and replaced with fake glass ones. She had fake eyelashes, painted makeup, and her own nails were taken out and replaced with fake ones. Her head had been shaved and she had blue hairs sewn into her scalp. Every joint in her body had been popped out of its socket so she could be positioned like a doll. Emily had been alive for nearly the entire process. She was alive as her nails were ripped out and she was alive the whole time Vine sewed in the individual strands of blue hair. She only died shortly after having her eyes gouged out.

Only one doll wasn't killed, her name was Svetlana. She was albino which Vine was fascinated by. He didn't kill her, he only dressed her up and treated her like a doll. She wasn't physically harmed, they got along well due to her developing Stockholm syndrome.

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