Theories and Discussion- Hobo Heart

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Brief mentions of SA (sexual assault)*

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He says he doesn't have a name, but when he tells someone his heart doesn't have a home, they give him the name Hobo Heart. He decides to keep it, using it as his own name. He's over a hundred years old though his exact age is unknown. His skin is a dark grayish black and he has white hair with bright blue eyes. He's 6'1 (Idk why I thought he'd be like, 5'6) and is supposed to be cold to the touch. He has white skeleton markings on his entire upper body, including his face. They aren't tattoos or drawings, they're part of his skin. You can see what he looks like from the chapter picture.

He's a Gemberling, a creature created to serve a specific purpose set by its master. (Gemberlings are creatures that only exist in this story.) During his creation, a crow's feather accidentally fell into the other components being used. It resulted in him being able to grow large black wings and fly at will. His author states Gemberlings were living beings once, so it's likely he was human before being turned into what he is. He appears to remember nothing from his life though. He originally didn't really have free will, but his actions in his story granted it to him. We'll get to how he did that later.

He has a dog that is unnamed, but his author states that they aren't exactly a dog. They're more likely to be something like a familiar, so like him, they're a magic creature. Hobo Heart states he's always had his dog with him so they're very close. His dog is supposed to look like a terrier. (:

His story starts off with a girl named CC discovering him sitting in an alley on a milk crate. (CC is the one who gave him his name.) She asks to pet his dog and he says yes, but he seems confused. He's confused as to why CC isn't sad in his presence since his aura emits a constant feeling of sadness that influences those around him. He calls her heart special since it's somehow immune to the sad aura emanating from him. They spend a lot of time together for the next while and get very close, to the point that CC asks him to be her valentine when February comes around.

Eventually her friend convinces CC to stop spending time with him, saying CC hadn't even noticed their friend went missing. CC agrees and stays away from him, starting to get more involved with some tool named Jim. She begins to feel ill the longer she's away from Hobo Heart. He did have an effect on her in some way, it just wasn't the way he affected everyone else. CC feels like she's being followed on her way home one night, and when her and Jim are getting too cozy at a later time, she hears a dog barking outside her window. Hobo had sent his dog to watch after her.

After awhile, Jim tries to go WAY too far with CC and beats her when she doesn't comply. Hobo appears out of nowhere and whoops his ass. He puts his hoodie over CC, who passes out after he kisses her forehead. Oh I forgot to mention! Before he kissed her forehead and she passed out, he TORE OUT HIS FUCKING HEART and gave it to CC. She had asked for his heart for Valentine's Day and he took it w a y too literally.

She wakes the next morning and notices all her wounds were healed, a result of having his heart near her. She finds his heart wrapped in the hoodie he gave her and doesn't even seem that phased. She runs to take it to Hobo, going to the tree she knows he lives at. She goes in to find him dying, also finding the corpses of her four friends and Jim's lame ass. She gets mad at him for killing her friends, but personally I'm glad to see Jim gone. (The rest of her friends shouldn't have died though, that's fucked up.) He then says he failed his purpose as a Gemberling because he gave away his heart and only attained five out of the six he needed. His purpose was to keep six evil spirits sealed inside the tree, providing it six hearts full of sadness every now and then to keep it powered. (I'm assuming that's why he emits a sad aura so I won't make a theory about it since it seems pretty obvious. He needs the hearts he collects to be sad so his creator made him emanate sadness.)

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