Theories and Discussion- Laughing Jack

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Brief mention of animal and child death*

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LJ was created by a guardian angel because the angel spotted a sad, lonely boy, Isaac, and wanted to make a gift for him. On Christmas, Isaac opened the gift on his bed and LJ popped out. He came out of a jack-in-the-box that played Pop Goes the Weasel.

Before losing his colors he had bright red hair, a swirly rainbow colored cone nose, and feathery shoulder pads that sat atop his raggedy and colorful clown outfit. He's extremely tall and his arms are long, extending far past his waist, fingers nearly scraping the floor.

After losing his colors his skin is ghostly white and rubbery/plastic looking. He's entirely monochrome, including his swirly cone nose and clothing. His eyes are white and ringed in black and he has long, matted black hair and sharp, jagged teeth. These teeth are nearly always showing due to his constant smiling.

He describes himself as a cosmic entity, and as such, he has magic powers. He can extend his arms, make toy soldiers come to life, make candy come from nowhere, disappear and reappear at will, cause nightmares, hypnotize others with his music, and probably much more.

Upon meeting Isaac, he said he knew absolutely everything about him, so it's possible he can find out any information on someone he wants via magical means. That, or the guardian angel gave him all the information he needed to know about Isaac in order to be the perfect companion.

Though adults think he's an imaginary friend when told about him by their child, he can be heard by them. He usually chooses to hide, but will occasionally and subtly make his presence known.

He seems to like haunting adults even though he murders children most often.

Anyway, his story. He and Isaac play together all the time, they're best friends just as the angel intended. Nothing seems to be wrong with Jack other than his apparent lack of regard for how he accidentally killed a cat he grabbed while playing with Isaac. This could just be because Isaac found it funny though since Jack's personality adapts to Isaac's. Isaac is sent to a boarding school because it's assumed he killed the cat and Jack becomes depressed without him.

When Isaac returns he totally forgets about Jack, so Jack is forced to watch from his box as Isaac grows up and undergoes changes. Isaac becomes abusive and ends up murdering a woman in front of Jack's box later in life. He also murders a young child, an old woman, another young child, and many more. Since their personalities are linked, the darker Isaac becomes, the darker Jack becomes.

Eventually, the shelf with Jack's box ends up falling and Isaac investigates the noise, finding the jack-in-the-box and winding it up. When it pops, Jack is released and brutally murders Isaac.

He then goes on to find children and pretend to be their imaginary friend, killing them when he feels like it. He also will target the parents, but he does so much more subtly at first.


He never gets tired of playing, is really good at accordion, and adapts to Isaac's personality. Since Isaac is now dead, it's unknown if his personality is permanent or can change as he pleases since he's no longer linked to Isaac.

His former personality was very hyperactive and cheerful, but after his shift, he became violent, maniacal, and ruthless. He's very good at hiding it though and he likes to manipulate his victims into thinking they're friends.

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