Theories and Discussion- The Rake

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I won't cover the Rake as he's seen in Everymanhybrid and other Slender series since that isn't canon to Rake's original lore. 

The next chapter will be on Jeff the Killer. (:


The Rake originated on 4chan when many people pitched their ideas for a new monster. This monster eventually came to be known as the Rake after undergoing many changes. One of the original versions of the Rake is a humanoid standing at about 6 feet tall, though it usually crawls on all fours. Its skin is very pale and its face has no visible nose or mouth. It has three solid green eyes, one in the middle of the forehead and the other two towards the back of the head on opposite sides. It's usually seen in the front yards of suburban homes. It watches the observer harmlessly but stands up and attacks when approached. It has a hinged mouth that opens at the chin and flashes its many teeth, which are tiny and dull.

The Rake we know today is a humanoid that walks on all fours. It has two eyes that are described as being glowing white or hollow and black. It has no nose but it does have a mouth, and it's got sharp claws and pale skin. It seems to target people at night by showing up in their bedroom.

The Rake has had decently extensive mythology crafted for it, just remember that all of it is fabricated. The Rake is nothing more than one big OC a bunch of people contributed to. The mythology states that it's been described as early as the 12th century, but it was officially documented for the first time in 1691. It was described in a mariner's log, part of it saying "He came to me in my sleep. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation."

In some versions of the Rake, it can see into the soul of those who lock eyes with it. Once someone locks eyes with it, they're marked. They'll experience recurring nightmares in which the Rake sits at the foot of their bed and stares at them. It's said that these nightmares chip away at the victim's sanity until they're too unstable to defend themselves. (Side note, I've had some WICKED sleep paralysis before in which I saw what looked like the Rake crouching over me. That shit is so scary, wouldn't doubt it at all if some of the Rake's mythos has come from real-life experiences people have had with sleep paralysis monsters. I should have put this in the theories section but idc.)

During 2003, a spike of strange events pertaining to the Rake attracted media attention (again, this is the mythology, NOT real events), but all accounts were mysteriously destroyed shortly after. Then, around December of 2010, a photo of a creature called the Grim from the videogame Resistance 3 was discussed on the news in Louisiana. (This part is real, not made up.) The reporter stated the photo was taken at a local hunting ground, and many immediately claimed it was the Rake due to the similar appearance. The photo is one you've probably seen a million times, it's still considered real even though it's been debunked. I made the photo the chapter picture and you can find the news report linked on my Quotev chapter.

In 2010, a blog dedicated to the Rake was created, and many stories and pieces of fanart can still be found there. It's like the ultimate compilation of all things related to the Rake. The link to this is at the bottom of the chapter on Quotev.


Not much is described about its personality but it appears feral and animal-like. It isn't described as predatory in its original origin, these descriptions came from later fan additions such as the fake mariner's log entry. It appears reclusive and skittish, but will attack if looked at. Many animals can feel intimidated by eye contact, so it's possible that due to the Rake's animal-like qualities, eye contact triggers them to defend themselves.

In later versions, despite being feral, it takes the time to wear down a victim's sanity. It shows intelligence and restraint through this behavior, so I think it overall has a mix of animal and human intelligence. I should also add they aren't gendered other than in later versions and stories.


At first it seemed to be self defense but in later versions it's unknown. It doesn't seem personal, so maybe it only haunts those who make eye contact with it?


In the first versions it attacked with its claws and its teeth when looked at. This seems to have stayed the same later, though it also utilizes psychological attacks such as recurring nightmares.


Claws, teeth, and psychological attacks.


I find it interesting that originally the Rake was said to have three eyes, one in the center and two on the sides of its head. The version of the Rake that we know now has eyes in the front of its head. Many prey animals like chipmunks and deer have eyes on the sides of their head, whereas predators like lions and tigers have forward-facing eyes. Original Rake also has tiny, dull teeth, which makes it seem like it's probably an herbivore. It was said to only attack when looked at, whereas the current Rake seems to be much more volatile for reasons unknown. Maybe the Rake is a species rather than an individual, and the original species with three eyes was wiped out by a more aggressive type of Rake. It also could have been wiped out by another species entirely, like humans. This theory doesn't really have any evidence, I just wanted to create an explanation for the evolution the Rake has gone through.

Some theories say the Rake is so disfigured because they were originally human, but receiving powers from Slenderman mutated them into a humanoid looking creature. Maybe this is why the Rake is so feral while also showing clear signs of intelligence. Their brain, similarly to their body, has been mutated. They still have their former human intelligence, but they've lost many of their human qualities and behaviors. This causes them to act unpredictably, but not recklessly or thoughtlessly.

I personally don't have many theories on the Rake, but the fucker does scare the shit out of me. Imagine a 6ft tall Rake? Fuck that shit I'm already booking it 6 miles east from that thing. Hell nah. - Brinlee

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