Theories and Discussion- Elska Ruth

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Brief mention of self harm*

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Today I'll be covering a creepypasta that isn't well known but is very detailed and interesting. To be honest he really scares me. His story has been changed multiple times so it was kinda hard to complete this chapter with canon information. Apologies for any inaccuracies.


Elska Ruth, real name Elskan Jonsson Svenson, is a bisexual Russian/American born in Morris Bay, Washington on August 15th. He has pale skin with a light tan, curly light blonde hair, and blueish-gray eyes. He's 29 years old, measures at 6'4, and weighs 186 pounds. Ruth's body is slightly muscular due to his athletic hobbies. His voice is described as being deep and he has a scar on his inner right thigh where he supposedly carved his dead girlfriend's name. He also has three long scars across his back from when he got scratched by a victim. He wears a black chain necklace with a gray ring on it engraved with the word 'Stranger' in Russian, and he has a tattoo of golden cosmos flowers with thin vines on the left side of his neck down to his left shoulder.

He's a university student who studies business and drama. His hobbies include playing drums, singing, acting, basketball, storytelling, exercising, lockpicking, playing around and mingling on the Internet, getting new tattoos and drawing out ideas for new ones, and flirting with girls. Sometimes, he sings outside of girls' windows. He really likes being validated for his efforts.

His strengths include his incredible agility and his strong manipulation skills. He can lift a lot of weight and he's very nimble. He reacts super quickly but this can work against him at times because he ends up being too fast. He's said to be good with knives, but he's faster when using his bare hands. He's talented at finding people through the internet and getting his hands on their information.

He doesn't like animals, sleeping, figures of authority, sitting around doing nothing, or his classes. He also doesn't like when girls don't listen to him. He dislikes sour food/candy because he's allergic to citric acid. In addition to this, he's allergic to penicillin.

He fears heights and swimming as it's said he's unable to swim. He's supposed to be weak in the areas he's got scars in but I doubt that's true as they've been healed for a long time. He gets sick easily due to not getting out much, and summertime is the time when he gets the most sick. He has breathing and balance problems.

Unlike other Creepypastas, Elska isn't described as superhuman. He's described as being completely human despite his incredible strength. He'd still be weak to anything you and I are weak to, but he's leagues stronger and has more experience. Though I will add, in the end of the creator's very first post about him, she alluded to the fact that he didn't seem human as he knew things too strange for any normal human to know. For all we know, she could have been alluding to the fact that Elska is actually more than human, which would explain his insane capabilities.


Elska is talented, helpful, confident (I think his confidence is fake), charismatic, competitive, thoughtful, aggressive with his goals, and knowledgeable in a lot of things. On a less positive note, he's easily angered, childish, needy, selfish, and sadistic. He speaks badly of others and dislikes being told he's wrong as it makes him feel belittled. He flirts aggressively with girls when they aren't interested, displaying his true nature. He can't handle rejection very easily and he's quick to get offended. He's vengeful, too, so try not to get on his bad side. He's said to have sociopathic aspects, behavioral issues, and ADHD.


His two main desires are to find the perfect girl and to be a popular musician or actor. It's likely he'd do anything to accomplish these goals.


Though his method is unknown, he frequently pursues nobodies or loners who won't be looked for when they go missing. It's likely he uses date rape drugs to knock them out before kidnapping them to murder at a later date.


He uses a sickle scythe he found out on a farm one night as well as a weed slasher that he uses in his flower garden. He also uses a wire saw that used to belong to his brother, Steinn. In addition to all of these, he uses date rape drugs to knock girls out.


My theory is derived from the fact that his origin story has changed so much. I feel as if he's one of the most underrated and mysterious creepypastas who can easily fly under the radar. Due to frequent changes in his origin, it's likely that nearly nothing is actually known about him, and he can easily get away with things since no one knows what to really look out for. He seems very ever-changing and adaptable to me, and I doubt his motives can be so easily figured out. Though his motive (to find the perfect girl) seems blatantly obvious since it's been stated a few times, something about that doesn't feel right. Personally, I think he just likes to kill girls. But that's only a theory, and in actuality, I have no clue.

He's said to be dating Nick Vanill but there's no mention of this by Nick's creator and it kinda invalidates his whole quest to find the perfect girl?

This dude also gives me the fucking creeps, Jesus. It makes him even creepier knowing he goes after innocent chick's. If he's actually human, it'd be easy to outsmart him if he's "too fast". You can trap him if you're also fast enough lmfao. Doubt it though. Anyways, it seems to me that he's too mysterious to theorize. I can't put my finger on what he could possibly be or w a n t. He's just pure nightmare fuel in my opinion. - Brinlee

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