The Outlander Who Caught the Wind: Part 4

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High ground? I sighed to myself. Great. That basically means that she's going to have me jump off from the top of Mondstadt right in front of the giant ass statue of venti. Urh, I mean, the Anemo Archon. Well here's to hoping I don't break my spine.

As we passed by all the stores I was already making a list of where I should head to after this is all over. Let's, there was Marjorie's, Good Hunter, Blanches General Goods, the Cat's Tail...Oh! I couldn't see it from here but I had to stop at Angel's Share for a drink.

Though, with this face I hardly doubt I could get anything alcoholic. That was honestly a bit disappointing since that was what they were known for. Speaking of the Angel's Share.

"This used to be a bustling street...But with so many Stormterror attacks recently, the usual crowds are nowhere to be seen. Except for the local tavern near the city wall over there. They haven't been affected. In anything, their business is better than ever."

Haha...Mondstadt, the city of wind, dandelions, freedom, and alcoholics. At least you know they take after their Archon.

I heaved with every step. We had come up I don't know how many god forsaken steps and the both of them seemed unfazed. I watched at Paimon and Amber walked ahead talking about food while I fumbled behind them. One arm on my hip and another against the railing.

Yes, finally! I crashed onto the ground. Amber turned around to laugh at me.

"Tired are we? Well, it is a bit of a climb up. Come on, we're almost there."

I sure damn hope so. My legs are on the verge of giving out! Oh, look at that comfortable looking bench over there. We'll have a nice conversation later. We stopped at the railing in front of the Archon Statue.

"So, the present I want to give you is...A Wind Glider! Outriders use them to ride the wind, and the people of Mondstadt love using them too. I brought you here to give it to you so you can experience it right away!"

"Oh, you're really excited about these wind gliders, huh!"

Well of course she was. Paimon was looking at Monstadts Wind Gliding champion! It would be strange if she didn't sound all excited about them. Though, I was finding it a bit hard to match her enthusiasm about them.

I peaked over the railing. Um, did she really want me to jump from here. It was-it was a bit high, buddy. I might actually break my spine if something goes wrong.

"Well that's because the wind is the heart and soul of Mondstadt! Alright then, enough talk! Let's give it a whirl! It's easy to use, but you still need to pay attention to my instructions."

Heart and soul? Um, yeah. Mine are feeling pretty dead on the inside right now. Maybe we should go get the Sticky Honey Roast before we do anything to rash. Right? Right? Amber looked at me, she was waiting for me to go ahead.

I took the glider from her. It was pretty big. A wind glider could come in pretty much any design but the basic structure was always the same. It took shape of two large bird like wings. The one's Amber just gifted me looked like the great big wings of a majestic brown bird with a few drops of color around the crown.

So...I flipped them about. How am I supposed to put them on. Amber laughed at me. She took them from me and then slapped them gently onto the my back. Oh wow, I wiggled my shoulders around. I almost didn't feel them. What did she attach them too?

"There we go! I attached them at the tip of your cape. You don't have to worry about taking them off. When you want to deactivate them all you have to say is," She raised her voice with gusto, "'Let me down!' To get them to work you have to say, 'O, Anemo Archon save me!'"

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