Chapter 29 Prt. 2

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- Lumine -

Irma was the first to take a seat, sort of. Instead of sitting at the table she pulled out one of the chairs then propped it against the wall to my back. Everyone glanced at her but said nothing. We all sensed she needed a bit of space at the moment. She was making it quite clear by the expression on her face that she was not in the mood to argue with anyone.

Lisa, Eula, and Kaeya took the left side of the table, in that order. I took the right with Ariana by my side, Paimon floating near my head. At the head of the long table was Master Jean who was looking quite tired with all of this. I felt bad for the young woman. Her eyes were sunken so low she gained another five years in age.

"Thank you all for meeting me here on such short notice but as you can see we have a lot of things that we need to discuss."

Eula was the first to speak, "What of those traitors we took into custody? Have we gotten any information out of them?"

Master Jean gave the Cavalry Captain a look. Kaeya rested his elbow on the table with a sly smile on his face. I'm guessing that he was in charge of getting information out of them. The face he was giving has me wondering what kind of 'interrogation tactics' were used.

"Unfortunately we found them dead this morning in their cells. All of them seemed to have swallowed a small pill. After we thoroughly searched their corpses we found a couple of them. Ms. Lisa..."

"Yes, after consulting my books and a few wisps of magic I found out they're made from concentrated extract of a poisonous mushrooms native to Sumeru."

Master Jean sat heavily in her chair, "Because of that we have begun suspecting that The Phoenix has influence all over Teyvat making this situation much more dangerous. The dosages that what found in these pills aren't sanctioned for use except for the Akademyia. Which is also why we should act with more caution."

What?! If that's true then does that mean that the other nations are going through the exact same thing we are? Imagining nations under control or on the verge of ruin because of a single group was quite frightening. Like Jean said, if they did have that much influence we had to be very careful how we played our cards.

I raised my hand slightly, "So what is that we plan to do about them?"

"As if right now...well, that's why we're calling this meeting. Even though little needs to be said about our enemy, there are other things that we have to prioritize. Hertha and I took most of this morning to discuss our priorities and have come with a plan of sorts."

Hertha finished sending off a couple of Knights before rushing to Jean's side. She put a hand to her chest then quickly brought it down to her side. From her pocket she took out a couple slips of paper then placed them in front of Master Jean.

"For those of you who I have not been formally introduced to yet, I'm Hertha, Captain of our Logistics Company and Coordinator. Though since the destruction of the city you can say that my position has been...extended to sorts." She gently stacked the scattered pages on the table revealing a small map of Mondstadt beneath them, "Right now we have four major problems that need to be addressed. The order of which was discussed shortly prior to this.

Our biggest problem at the moment is to find a safe place of relocation though that cannot be done without allocating resources so we have devised this plan. We will send out Knights to the surrounding areas to check for materials and anything else of use as well as bring back any civilians."

Four places had to be checked. First, the most obvious one, our friends that had been sent to Musk Reef must be getting anxious by now. Hertha had been given charge of two small companies. One of which would secure those at Musk Reef safe passage back to Mondstadt through the portal at Cape Oath. The others will remain here in Mondstadt to salvage whatever they can from the ruins.

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