A Peaceful Day Prt. 2

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- Irma -

I hate my life. When I agreed to help make the dish I was not trying to become the center of attention. Especially not for a group of people who I might, or might have not pissed half an hour earlier. Why did Ariana insist that we set up the pot at the front of the mansion? I understand that the kitchen's were busy but couldn't we've just kept it in the back? It was fine where it was.

Besides, we were kind of in the way of everyone else. Lumine, Ariana and I set down the pot over a large fire Ariana had set up a few yards away from the main steps of the mansion. So that unfortunately meant that people were constantly coming and going as they relocated or got themselves comfortable to their new surroundings. There were also a bunch of kids not so far away staring as Lumine helped wheel all of the materials we needed over.

Of course they were starring. She was practically wheeling three large sacks of rice, I don't know how many gallons of milk, a bag of cinnamon, and an unreasonable amount of sugar. Even Paimon, who was a sucker for food, was looking at me weird.

The thing that was making me feel the most self-conscious though was that all the Knights were looking at us too. Probably worried that we were going to brew up some concoction of a mess for them to clean up later. Oh god, I swear I'm going to walk into the ocean and drown myself. The water shouldn't be too cold, hopefully.

Ariana beamed at me happily, "Okay, where do we start!"

I put a hand on my hip and let the other rest over my eyes, someone just let me sleep.

"The rice...we clean the rice."

A small group of Knights slowly approached us. I think I recognized them from the group helping the people inside. They must've finally finished. There were four of them in total. Three young men and an older woman who looked to be in her thirties. The woman looked at the cart filled with supplies and let out a hearty laugh.

"Well, what mess are you four planning to make over here?"

Oh god, someone kill me now.

Paimon gently rubbed the bottom of her nose with the length of her index finger, "He-he. We're making a surprise for everyone."

The female Knights tilted her head at us, "Is it really considered a surprise if you're doing it in front of everyone?"

Thank you! My thoughts exactly! Finally, someone with some common sense!

"Uhmm, well...Paimon isn't too sure and doesn't really care as long as it's tasty!"

One of the guys with freckles took off his belt around his waist, sending his sword clattering on the grass along with his heavy metal armor plate strapped against his chest. His comrades gave him a look which I was very openly also expressing. Was he even allowed to do that? As the weight fell from his body he gave a loud sigh and his body straightened out a bit more.

He cracked his neck then rolled up his sleeves, "Alright! Enough fighting, let's cook! What should I do?"

A guy next to him with a long scar the length of his right jaw gave him a dead look, "Dude, you better pick those up and put them back on before the Calvary Captain catches you."

He waved his hand dismissively, "No worries! Even the Calvary Captain is willing to cut us some slack after everything that's happened. Now come on, let's help out our fellow Honorary Knights. You needed the rice washed right? I think I saw some sifting baskets in the kitchen."

Before I could even process what was happening people were running around helping me out to get started. The four Knights went to retrieve the baskets then wash up the rice at the back of the mansion. Then Lumine, Paimon, and Ariana went to retrieve fresh water while I adjusted the temperature to the pot which was basically just me using my Anemo abilities to increase the flames a bit. Ariana also told me to write down the recipe.

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