Chapter 22

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A few days ago a great tragedy fell on the city. While I slept next to Irma, I was still uneasy to leave her alone with those Knights, I could hear the guards outside the door whispering amongst themselves. It was an urgent, anxious whisper. I left Paimon sleeping at Irma's legs and went to go investigate what was happening.

I crept up behind the door of the hospital wing. Three separate camps of hillichurls have disappeared. Normally that would be a good thing but one of tower watchmen said he'd witnessed a figure approach the camp from afar. They appeared to be human but from the distance they were unable to be sure.

So far the Calvary Captain has ordered all guards take their posts either at the outer/lower ranks of the city. Knights were posted in pairs on every street and a no one was allowed to step outside their homes. Even the taverns were forced to close early.

Just as their mouths went silent there was an unmistakable sound that filled the air. It was the sound of human terror. I rushed out the door, not carrying about the guards I accidently knocked over and ran out the Cathedral. As soon as I opened the door I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Chaos...there was no other way to describe it. All sorts of monsters roamed through the streets and even plagued the roofs. Elemental energy from the stronger ones flashed through the air like whips. As I descended myself down the lower ranks of the city people rushed up to the Cathedral.

Two-thirds of the Knights were doing their best to handle the situation while the rest of them help the responsibility in making sure that every citizen made it safely to the church. Before that night I don't think I've ever witnessed this much carnages. Blood colored the streets like steaming paint and chunks of flesh swirled in its soap.

If it had not been for the Calvary Captains and Acting Grand Masters preparations the causalities would've been much higher. Not to mention that girl, Ariana, she was powerful. She had Geo abilities and used them to construct large barriers of rock around the already fortified walls of Monstadt.

From there the rest of us made sure to kill anything that wasn't human from within. Five took us five hours to fully scan the city for anymore threats. And in those five hours we lost almost a hundred civilians and thirteen Knights.

In order to distract the rest of the people from the mess happening outside, the Acting Grand Master suggested we hold a candle-lit memorial to honor the memory of everyone we lost that day. A sister from the church who had been looking after Irma took a step forward on the top balcony of the step of the church.

She held her candle close to her chest and then stretched out her free hand. Her voice was sweet as sun in the middle of violent rain. A pure, honey like tone that put almost everyone at ease. I even have to admit some of tension relieved from my own chest as I listened to her voice. It was unfortunate that I was distracted by other things.

Even though the memorial was held to calm the people it also served a distraction for the rest of us. While everyone gathered outside of the church to hear the songs and prayers of the sisters of the church, the Knights of Favonius had us gathered within the chapel. Only the highest members were allowed to attend along with some others as we tried to come up with an explanation for all of this.

In the end all we could do that day was make a plan to help make sure we were protected. So far the last past ten days I've been helping around the city offering aid to anyone I could. Not to mention waiting for a plan of action from the Acting Grand Master and her "council". I was growing uneasy and thinking of going out myself to investigate.

Paimon did everything in her power to make sure I didn't. To be honest I didn't really want to either. The numbers in which the monsters attacked that day were beyond overwhelming. Not to mention that there's still that mysterious figure that they saw approaching one of the camps to consider.

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