Chapter 37

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- Lumine -


Paimon's little hands pulled at the ends of my splitting cape. Her mouth moved to form words that I could no longer hear. I pushed myself off the floor, ignoring the red sticky liquid that was dripping from my head. The ground shook beneath me and I almost fell all over again but thankfully she caught me by the arm.

What happened? Just a few moments ago...what were we doing again? Oh right. Ms. Lisa wanted to get some things from the cathedral basement. She said that she had found something important and wanted to study it further when we got to the Thousand Winds Temple. But after that...what happened after that?

We were rushing down the steps. There was a loud crack. Smoke. Fire. And we all went flying.

My eyes blurred and black dots danced in my vision. I brought a hand to the side of my head as Paimon dragged me further away from whatever was happening not too far away from us. She pushed me behind a pillar then carefully poked at the gash on my head. I could see heavy panic settling in her eyes. She took her sleeve and slowly patted away what blood she could.

I winced as she pressed a bit too hard.

"Wh-what happened?"

Just then, the sound around me came in all at once. There was loud screaming. Lightning slamming into the ground and breaking stone. Impact after impact burst into my ears as a great battle pursued behind me. Paimon tried to push me back down as I slowly stood. My legs almost gave out on me so I pressed my body against the stone pillar for support so I could focus on Ms. Lisa.

All around her stood soulless bodies of the Knights that had accompanied us. With one hand she covered the thick leather satchel at her side. The other stood over her head, violently lashing out attack after attack she skillfully held two of The Phoenix off. From here I could see a tired look starting to form in the librarian's eyes.

Storm clouds turbulently formed over our heads filling up almost half the sky that I could see. Violet streaks of lightning colored it a dark purple. There was a loud rumble as they prepared themselves for another attack.

One of the hooded masked figures slashed his spear downwards, releasing a tidal wave of hydro energy towards Ms. Lisa. She grit her teeth then let go of the satchel on her side. Both of her hands circled in front of her, then just like that, a large spell of lightning emerged in front of her, splitting through the water and pushing into the chest of her attacker. They flew back, their backs slamming into the rubble.

"No! You can't go! You're hurt!"

I tried to pull away from Paimon, "I-I have to help..."

"Traveler! You can't! They're too strong!"

I don't care if they were too strong or not. I can't just leave Ms. Lisa alone to deal with all of that! So what if I'm injured! What good would it do to be only one walking away fine from this while another person risks their life! I'm not going to let any more people die because of them! Or for any reason for that matter!

I took my sword into my right hand and slowly made my way towards the battle. Paimon pulled with as much strength as she could to take me back. Even heavily injured, I was too strong for her to hold back. The muscles of my arms tensed as the storm clouds above finished charging, unleashing random strikes of lightning down from the sky.



Two of them hit against the steps of the Cathedral, splitting the rock into dozens of pieces flying everywhere. I covered my ears to settle down the ringing from the loud impact.

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