Chapter 32 prt. 1

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- Lumine -

All preparations were almost complete. Master Jean has given me permission to aid the Reconnaissance Captain. Even though our main goal was to find the location of The Pheonix and finding out what happened at the Dragonspine Adventure Camp, we have another job. Before any of the other teams could leave Mondstadt we were to go first and check out the three areas.

The three teams led by the Cavalry Captain will follow us thirty minutes behind as we make sure the areas are secured. If not, we will send a signal to them saying that it's dangerous from there, they can make their own preparations. Springvale, Wolvendom, and then Dawn Winery. The path of travel.

Once we make it to Dawn Winery we will take the main road to the East of the mansion. We'll follow this road all the way back to Springvale to make sure that all teams have made their way to each area safely. After that we'll finally make our way to the Adventure Camp by taking the road between Sprinvale and Windrise.

It bothers me that I won't be helping any people we find at these locations. We're just messengers in a sense but that role was just as important. That way any survivors would know that they hadn't been abandoned.

Some of the other knights don't hold my optimism. They say with those many monsters surrounding the area, especially in Springvale, the chances of survival are low. I don't respond to their remarks. They're just saying that because they've lost hope after all the death that's happened this week.

Who knows? Maybe it's naïve for me to carry around so much hope.

"Paimon's feeling a bit nervous. What about you, Traveler?"

I finished packing some supplies into my bag, "I'm feeling a bit nervous too but Ms. Eula seems like a really capable person."

The little fairy creature nodded, "You're right. Paimon should have more faith in our team. Are you almost ready though? Didn't you want to say goodbye to Ila before we left?"

I thought Irma would be one of the first people to step up and volunteer to help in one of the search teams. She's been carrying so much guilt around about not being able to save everyone. But last night when I asked the Acting Grand Master whose team she'd be on, she said no one's. Apparently she was hesitant to let her go on the field after sustaining such a large injury to her right leg.

I understood that but Irma didn't seem like the type of person to accept that. Barbara must've given her a really big lecture then. For some reason, she seemed quite scared of the young sister. I found it quite enduring.

Paimon and I talked about saying goodbye before we left. The plan was to leave before the sun rose so I'm not sure if she'll even be up. If not, we can always leave her a note too. I pulled the flaps of our tent aside and headed towards where Irma always camped out. She's taken quite a liking to sleeping in the garden next to where what is left of the Favonius building stands.

"Oh? Did they decide to help out? Their tent isn't here."

Paimon was right. Their area was empty except for a couple of other Knights getting ready to leave. Tents littered the area with boxes and clothes hanging outside of them. The rest of them set up on the grass while she placed herself right next to the wall. There wasn't even an apple core left of them. I walked up to one of the other Knights.

"Do you know where Irma is?"

The blonde young man shook his head, "Sorry, no. Both of them didn't sleep here last night like they usually do. Actually...hey, Otto!"

Another knight turned to us, "Yeah?"

"You were in the library during yesterday's meeting, right? Didn't you say the Acting Grand Master gave the other Honorary Knight and Ariana something?"

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