The Outlander Who Caught the Wind: Part 8

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Windrise was my second favorite place to rest in Mondstadt. There was just something about it that was unnecessarily beautiful. 

Beautiful often comes with the accessory of bedazzled jewels or bright colors. Windrise was nothing more than a large field of tall grasses that tickled the back of my knees and a few scattered trees. There were no vibrant colors except the same shades of green you'll see anywhere else.

 There was no bedazzling of any sorts. All there was was a small bed of water with rocks sitting amongst the water with collected moss. Of course, also the big ass tree that stretched its branches the length of what could be compared to Dvalin's wings.

"Oh, it's one of those consolidated wind thingies. Let's head back to the Statue of The Seven at Windrise and offer it to the gods! Well...You should come with me, Paimon'll tell you about the rest later."

Oh, so now it's okay to go to Windrise. Though I guess I could understand her reasoning. The Temple of the Lion was actually past Windrise so it was on our way. I fasted my sword on my waist. Time to get climbing.

On our way out of the Temple of the Wolf, aside from hiding in bushes to see if Diluc would show up, we also kept our eyes open for anything interesting on the road. Well, I did at least. Paimon was more concerned about getting attacked by a large Dendro slime we were purposely avoiding.

We did, in fact, find an interesting thing. An Anemoculus glowed brightly next to a small tree near the road. I'm honestly not sure how I missed it the first time around. Still, its better than finding it now than not at all. I pulled myself up slowly and then jumped off.

There was a small chime sound that came as I grazed my hand against the cool blue...was it right to call it a stone? It didn't really look solid. 

The Anemoculus hovered around my body then disappeared into my chest. That was unexpected. I was thinking I could put it in my bag or something. I'm guessing that when I touch the Statue of Seven it'll just...woosh away?

"It's a Statue of the Seven! Let's make an offering and see if the gods respond!"

Does she have to be so bossy? Can't I take these few second for myself? I took a deep breathe. Even the air smelled sweeter here. I walked up to the statue and read the engraving at it's base. The world opens itself before those with noble hearts.

A noble heart? That doesn't sound like me at all. If anything, I'm a rather selfish person if you hadn't noticed that already. Quite greedy as well. Everything that I may seem like I'm doing it for these characters that I've grown attached to but in reality I'm doing it all for myself so I can make an ending that I'm happy with.

There are main parts of the story that I know I shouldn't mess with of this world. Partly because I'm too afraid too. Imagine what I could do if I just told one person all that I knew. I could find Venti right now and take him the the Knights of Favonius. Better, tell the whole city who he his.

I'd look crazy for sure but it'll plant the idea in people's heads. Soon enough some of them would realize that I'm not lying. So I could grow credibility amongst the people and act like some sort of future telling messiah.

At liyue harbor I can tell Childe the truth behind Rex Lapis's death. I can tell him that what he's looking for has already been taken by Signoria. Things like that...make me realize how just how powerful I can be.

Information is a dangerous thing that people will pay dearly for. There is no need for me to go around like a beggar putting myself in danger like a regular adventurer. I could make a better life for myself.

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