Chapter 12 (Irma)

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It's been five days now that I've been bedridden. Not on my own accord at least. After three days of eating nothing but chicken mushroom skewers and boiled water I felt good enough to walk around. James thought it would be safer that I take a couple more days slow just in case.

Since neither of us were doctors it was a reasonable request. The only problem is that lying all day long was driving me insane. Back in the real world, I would've killed to have the whole day lying like this even if it was on the bare ground.

But there are things I actually want to do here. Things I can look forward to. Sure, I probably almost got paralyzed from the waist down or maybe have even died but still...urgh, this was driving me insane! I guess I should be glad that at least he's letting me go to the restroom myself.

God don't even get me started on the restroom situation. When we first arrived in Mondstadt you have no idea how happy I was that they had working plumbing and toilet paper. If it wasn't I was about to question a lot of things really fast. I was about to rush my way down to Katherine's and put up a commission. Blueprints and everything.

There was no restroom here...

Which meant that we both had to pick two different sides of the island to dig a hole and shit in. It's so embarrassing. At least this kid stole some toilet paper from Reckless Pallad. He took the chance while the guy was being attacked by slimes to ransack his stuff nearby. It was a pretty dirty move but what would've been dirtier would be the crime scene after James came back empty-handed. I have standards.

I was still too embarrassed to relieve myself while James was here, so I'd go a bit after he'd leave to get supplies. We were still staying in Musk Reef but at Sunrise James would use my map to collect all the other teleporters along with any supplies he could scavenge along the way.

Anything he brought back was split 70:30. He wanted to do 50:50 but that was unfair to him. I remained the sick patient while he did everything. Really made me uncomfortable. I'm not used to people taking care of me and I'm not about to start now.

He doesn't know this though, but I've been training when he's gone. Not hard rigorous training, mind you. Just easy things. Like walking around the island if I can. Sometimes if I feel good enough I pick up my sword and swing it around a bit.

Sadly, all of my sword skills were gone now that I was out of Lumine's body. I'm disappointed but not surprised. So that means that if I want to survive in this world I'm going to have to start training. I just wish it were easier said than done.

There was no one to teach me.

James was better than I was but still not good. When he went out all he's managed to kill are the regular-sized slimes and unsuspecting hillichurls. Just thinking about stabbing another hillichurl put my stomach in a frenzy.

I mentioned this to James yesterday and he told me that feeling that way was normal. There was nothing wrong with questioning killing things even if they are considered 'monsters' in this world. He told me something about being compassionate and whatnot. Whatever that meant.

Anyway, I really did try thinking of it like I did before. Like putting sinners out of their misery. You see, that really doesn't help me though because then I feel like I'm pretending to be some...let's just say asshole. Someone with the right to decide whether one thing dies over another. Another thing that ticks me all wrong.

I honestly don't know what to do with myself at this point. I'm willing to train but not kill. So, what was the meaning of training then? For show?

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