The Outlander Who Caught the Wind: Part 5

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Look, I know that this conversation is probably really important for character development or some random shit like story background or whatever...but there's a really nice bench over there that we can have this very conversation on. All it would take, was a few steps to the right. Can't we do that?




" attacking Mondstadt itself! Kaeya, Traveler, you've come at the right time. We must-"

"Hold on Amber. Are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us?"

Bench. Please.

"Oh...right. This is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captian. These two are travelers from afar, Lumine and Paimon."

For the love of everything good. Can I just please sit down for a little bit?

I watched Kaeya's expressions. He seemed to be in thought. Right. He didn't trust us from the start just like Amber. To him, we were just some random people that happened to be at the right place at the right time and strong enough to survive. He was probably wondering if that's all that they knew about us.

Amber fumbled a bit before telling Kaeya of our situation. About how she found us just outside the Whispering Woods. How we helped her clear the Hillichurl camp and, of course, that I was looking for my brother. I'm pretty sure she mentioned the thing about the Hillichurls pretty early in the conversation to get us in his good graces.

"I see. Welcome to Mondstadt-though you haven't arrived at the best of time, I'm afraid. I understand the anguish of being separated from family."

I wish I could tell him that I knew. Both of the families he's ever known have abandoned him in sorts. One...he'll probably never be able to see again while the other...tried to ignore his existence to handle their own hatred for his half-brother. It's a sad way to live. Without having a family to confide in or protect you.

That's something that I can relate to. Having to rely on yourself most of the time because you've done it for so long its become natural. Not to mention that underlying mistrust in everyone you meet.

'Where would you go?'

One of my top reasons for choosing this place isn't because of its beauty, though that does have a major role as well. It's because here...I more or less know everyone. All of these characters...I at least know about the underlying darkness of their lives. I know who to trust, I know who confide in. 

More importantly, I know who to be careful around.

"I'm not really sure why you're looking for the Anemo God...But everyone has their secrets, right?"

Yeah, I smiled at him. Yeah, we do. The saddest thing, is that I know that the people I want to show care for the most are the most unwilling to receive it. In fact, they'll probably push it away in some way or second guess my intentions. That's okay though.

As of right now, I'm making it my mission to try and change as many people as I can. To let them have at least one person that they can fully confide in. Well, never mind. I take that back. These people can't be controlled or manipulated. I think it's best that they just learn to trust me themselves. just have to let people be wary until they come to their own realizations. And if they can't trust me then I hope they can learn to trust themselves at least.

I almost wanted to laugh. Wow, I must be really tired to be getting this emotional. It also might be the fact that I really did think I was going to die again for a moment there.

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