Chapter 29 Prt. 1

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- Lumine -

Just like there are rules to every world, there are rules to human beings as well. When someone you care for dies you feel a great deal of pain. A pain so great that you spend the night sleeping in your own puke after drinking all your pain away. You look at yourself in the reflection of your pale ale hoping to find a glimpse of a loved one on the other side.

But as that pain settles there's only a few roads you can go. You can go into denial and drive yourself insane as you claw through the rubble to find whatever evidence you can. Or you blame it on everyone else. Those who are unlucky enough can find themselves being tossed out the castle walls if the masses find their existence scary enough.

Paimon woke up early for once and offered to see what she could get us to eat. I appreciated the effort to cheer me up but I didn't feel like eating so I moved from the bottom of the rubble up the staircase leading to the Cathedral. It couldn't be earlier than eight in the morning but one sister or another always seemed to be waiting for praying hands.

That morning I thought they were holding a large mass outside but then I realized that I wasn't hearing whispering prayers. I was hearing rageful screams.

"You Curse! I bet it was you who brought this to Mondstadt! Maybe we should kill you and offer you to the gods! Who knows, maybe they'd award us for serving the head of a demon like you!"

I felt a heavy-weight weighing down my empty stomach.

"Everyone, please, calm down!"

Master Jean struggled to hear her voice over the chanting crowd. I ran up the steps only to find a small mob forming around Irma. She wrapped her arms around herself, her eyes darting from one person to the next. She looked more afraid of them than those monsters.

I think I understood why though. For one she couldn't simply strike them down for charging at her. That would only give them reason to fight. And secondly, tears starting building up the bottom of her eyes, she believes what they say is true. I would be a fool not to notice the guilt in her eyes. To some degree she thinks she brought this upon all of us.

That's complete nonsense. Something like this would've happened regardless if she was here or not. It was clear to those of us with experience that this had been planned for a while now. You don't wake up one morning and decide to attack a whole city capable of defending themselves.

The Knights and their Captain struggled to keep back the growing mob as they pushed forward. I could see rocks and large chunks of wood in some of their hands. What in the world were they planning to do exactly?

Even if a person was found guilty for such a thing that does not give them the right to take justice into their own hands! Did they expect no one would do a thing as they bashed another person's head into the ground! How could they think something like this was right?

I rushed over to them, a hand ready to unsheath my blade. Hurting a civilian wasn't something I'd be proud to do but maybe this could be an exception. I'll make sure to only hit them with the blunt part of my blade if it comes to it.

"Why are you protecting the Cursed child! I say we burn her! Burn her!"

Eula, the Reconnaissance Captain, practically flew down the steps of the Cathedral. We'd only met for a while but I could tell that she was a strong charismatic woman. Her blue hair was cut sloppily into an uneven cut and she wore a black body suit that rode high on her legs with a white lavish coat over it. The lack of cover from her suit was covered mostly by her tall black heeled boots that reached up mid thigh on her tall figure.

"Enough! Just yesterday we said our final goodbyes to our loved ones yet you all chose to point fingers? How uncouth!"

A gray bearded old man stepped towards her with a spiteful look on his face, "Of course it'd be someone from the Lawrence Clan to speak for the Cursed child! Maybe we should burn you and your relatives while we're at it too!"

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