Chapter 24

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The whole room erupted at once. Paimon and Amber's voices piled up on each other while Lisa cursed underneath her breathe, a purple light flickering across her fingers. Captain Kaeya on the other hand sat in his chair with nothing but pure shock on his face. 

This had to be some sort of dumb joke. What do the hell do they mean that they want us to give them the Traveler? I'm not understanding this one bit. My hands shook from underneath the table.

First these idiots swarm us, kill out people and destroy our supplies. Then they have us locked inside of our own walls and now they ask for something as stupid as this? I don't even know what I'm supposed to think. Just what the hell did they want! No matter how many times I go over any of this my brain can't comprehend it.

What's their endgame? What are the trying to accomplish? And what part does Lumine play in all of this? I buried my face in my hands. I'm so tired of all of this. I just want it to stop.

"I'll do it."

I looked up at Lumine. Her head held up high as if the words that left her mouth were something to be proud of. What was she doing?

Amber harshly cast her right arm to the side, "That's absurd! There's no way that we're letting you sacrifice yourself like that!"

"Paimon agrees with Amber! There's no telling what they'll do to you! Absolutely not!"

Master Jean shook her head, "I think it goes without saying that none of us can agree with you. Thank you for offering such a noble sacrifice but I cannot accept it."

As bad as this sounds I feel like we have no other choice. I looked around the table as even Ariana joined in the discussion to what our next moves are. Was I the only one who was feeling tired and hopeless? These people had the power to control all of those monsters outside and we don't even know their own individual capabilities.

If we managed to protect the people of Mondstadt from the overpowering hoards then it would only be a matter of time before they struck themselves. Jean mentioned somewhere along the arguing that we had until tomorrow night to bring the Traveler to the front gate. That wasn't nearly enough time to build up a solid plan.

I know Jean has been trying her best to figure out more about this mysterious group but the reality was they were just a mystery as Lumine's brother. Even though we knew who they were and what they were after there was no telling in where they were hiding. For all we know they could be watching us from Celestia, grinning as we run around like headless fools.

Still, even if I do feel hopeless about the situation it doesn't mean we can abandon these people. How many have I witnessed dying? Two seemed like such a small number but for me it was enough. I don't want anyone else to die. I've had enough of dealing with this numbing ring in my ears.

Seeing as how giving up Lumine is out that only leaves us to protect ourselves. Our walls are strong and sturdy and with enough planning on Jeans part I'm sure we can keep up a good defense for a while. A while was not enough. No more blood needed to be shed. So where does that leave us?

Where does that leave the children, the wives, the husbands, and the partners outside in the Chapel? They're all praying for safety, they're all praying for protection from a God who may never show. Ariana told me not to worry for Venti but since I woke up there's a slight tremor in her voice that tells me something went terribly wrong. If only I knew what that were.

So if these walls could not be protected then where else was safe for them? I had an idea but I wasn't sure how safe it was. I gently grabbed the map tucked into my back pocket and teleported to Musk Reef.

An empty portal stood in front of me, hanging perfectly in angle with the late afternoon sun. There was a soft breeze that kissed my skin as I looked around. No monsters, no enemies. If we were to prioritize the children and the elderly then maybe there'd be enough space to house them all. We can set up temporary shelters along the two cliffs at either side.

The Traveler: Mondstadt (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now