The Champion of White

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When I first arrived in this world I know that I was not alone. I stood amongst dozens of others. All our faces covered in fear and confusion. In some way we were all filled with boundless excitement  but something in the back of my mind nagged at me. There was something to fear here. We were not as powerful as we thought we'd be.

Dozens of us walked together yet why am I the only one that remains? I try to remember at times to the point where my hands grow shaky with rage. How can I not remember where they've all gone? I remember us being happy at first. We'd raid the lands and help the common folk in turn for beds and food.

We'd travel along the rivers and streams and throw ourselves in them. At least I think we did. Our laughter always seems to be accompanied by the sound of water and my mind is far too gone to remember any images of those moments when I was still a fool. 

Something happened. Something that we could not control. Then there was blood. Blood and war. So much of it that my fingers would not open even when my blade was taken from my hands. I would sleep at night with one eye open even when people told me that I was safe. In the shadows I could feel it. An evil resurfacing and waiting to consume me like it did everyone else that I had known.

The adults would study me, they ask me so many things yet I could not bring myself to answer. Or did I tell them something? I can't remember anymore.

As time passed I noticed that I was different than most of beings that roam this earth. As the hands that feed me grew old my body would stay young. A hundred years only felt like three to me. I watched endless fighting occur along with death as I traveled through the lands.

Eventually I became so consumed with the emptiness of my mind that I challenged the illuminated beasts that slept in the mountains. So filled with rage and anguish, I did not judge where I struck down. After I was beaten and empty, a form approached me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and for some reason I felt a great warmth stirring in my heart.

Finally...I remember thinking. A face that I can remember. I begged for forgiveness and managed to earn a piece of those mountains for myself. With the passage of time my hair grew long and white. My body grew strong and sturdy from training against the winds. Though as hard as I trained, it did not stop the passage of time from clearing my mind again.

I ventured away from the mountains forgetting why I had come there in there first place. Just as I was about to leave Jueyun Karst, there was a local merchant being robbed by men in clothes that I also found strangely familiar. As I struck them down it felt normal, like it was a thing I used to do all the time.

The merchant gave me some of his produce and went on his way. Was this what I was meant to do? As I looked down at the fruits in my hands I realized that it was. In fact, this was something I'd do everyday. I'd go around looking for those in need of help. Though my reward was a bit different than this from the world I came from.

From that day forward I made a name for myself. Even though my methods weren't always the best, I vowed that I'd purge this world from evil and give these people a safe future to live in. With every ounce of blood I spilt, I regained a little bit more of my fractured soul. When the time comes I can only hope I can remember the lands in which I fault so I can dig into the soil and give those who came here with me proper burial.

Maybe then, could I finally sleep in peace.

An outlander from another world. A visionless master of the elements. A child of golden hair and a floating fairy at her side.

I knew them. I knew who they were! A traveler from another world like me trying to find their sibling. Though they said her, Lumine. The name came to me in an instant along with blurring excitement. It was like hearing the name of an old friend long forgotten. Right at the moment I wanted to get up and run to the Nation of Freedom.

I've never visited it before because they were beyond weak. They let themselves be ruled by cowardly leaders and only recently freed themselves. A young woman that I had met with a history a lot like mine tried to get me to visit multiple times under the excuse that I could find no finer wine.

Hmph. She knows that I'm not a drinker. Getting drunk only annoys me since it blurs my mind far more than it already is.

But now that The Traveler has arrived, it might be time for a visit. Nothing to grand, I don't even have to say hello. I would be content with watching from the sidelines as she began her journey.

Yes, but did her hear of the dark creature that ripped itself from her body? I've heard that it looked like a great evil shrouded in darkness. Another girl. Could it have been a parasite made from the Kharma of the Gods? Haven't you heard that old Mondstadt legend, the one of the Cursed Hero?

My knuckles turned white from the grip I had against my spear. Ariana told me to hold my temper but how could I? That thing stirred up so many negative emotions in me and it only angered me more because I didn't know why. A great evil shrouded in darkness. Surrounded my gravel I lay, a large figure looming over me. Its size taller than the mountains I'd see in the distance as I played in the grass. A creature of killing.

"Wait before you go."

I looked at here with harsh eyes, "Do not think you can hold me back. I won't have any of your games, Ariana."

She blew at the top of her cup, "I'm not going to. I just want you to go without an intent to kill. Have you not learned its better not to go charging in screaming bloody murder? Stay until these emotions subside then walk in with a clear intention in mind. Now, sit. Let us finish our tea."

"Since when did you become such sweet with your tongue?"

She smiled, "I've been reading a lot these days. Mostly romance novels but it's working isn't it? I can feel my IQ rising as we speak."

I rolled my eyes but sat down, "Are you still on that one where the young woman finds her lover drowned near the sea?"

"Yes, would you like to hear the ending?"


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