Chapter 39

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- Irma -

After helping the Knights organize the crowd I walked over to the infirmary room which was a bit hard through the large lines that had formed. Five Knights were sitting on the other end of the main hall of the mansion at a long table, helping direct people to whatever kind of help they were looking for. We had to reopen the doors since the lines were longer than we expected.

By then, it was safe enough for the children to hear our conversations now that the hard topic had been discussed. Some of them ran into the mansion looking around in awe. A few of the braver ones tried to make their way to the second floor but Master Jean had stationed a pair of knights to prevent anyone from entering.

Jean's way of showing respect towards Ariana's privacy. She might've allowed us into her home but that didn't mean she'd given us permission to go snooping around at her personal business. I looked up at the stairs before walking into the room.

You know...technically I'm not anyone so...does that-like-give me permission to go snooping? For safety purposes of course. Definitely not because I wanted to be nosey.


It was 100% because I wanted to be nosey.

A group of sisters excused themselves when I walked through the door. I stepped out of the way to let them pass, giving them a small thanks as they did. Out of everyone here they were probably working the hardest. When was the last time they got some decent sleep? And when they did close their eyes...I wonder what they dreamed of?

The thought alone made me uncomfortable.

Master Jean sat, with her shoulders hunched, over the librarian while everyone else stood. Eula had managed to get her hands on some crutches and was leaning against the back wall. Hertha and the Calvary Captain stood at the end of the bed while Ariana came over to greet me. She gave my hair a quick little ruffle before I pushed her away.

Can she not? I'm pretty sure I already look like shit. I would kill for a shower right now.

"How is she doing?"

Master Jean gave me a soft smile, "She's doing fine. I don't think I've properly thanked you yet. The Traveler told me what you did."

Well it's not like I would let one of my favorite characters die. Besides, just like everyone else in this damn room I'm sick and tired of people dying in front of me.

"It was nothing."

Kaeya gave me a fun little smile, "Being modest are we? What a great quality for an Honorary Knight."

You know, to fuck with it. Who cares if this asshole tried to kill me and is probably working for the enemy. After I got god damn kidnapped and saw what those crazy people could do I think I've given up on trying to hold appearances or thinking things through. For things that matter, I'll keep my composure as much as I can but if I always take myself too seriously then I'm bound to burn out at one point.

"And you're quick to point out one's modesty Captain. I'm not going to hold my tongue and say it isn't a bit flattering."

Eula scoffed from the back of the room, "There is no time for flattery! Urgent matters wait for us. One of which you were actually quite quick to point out when you rescued me. So why don't we stop dilly-dallying and start working on the next detail of our plan? We can't let them take advantage of us any longer!"

As much as I would love to mess around with Kaeya a bit longer, Eula was right. Up to now Ariana or I haven't had the chance to fully explain the situation happening on Dragonspine. If they even knew of the situation, that is. The Acting Grand Master has been too busy making sure that everyone is safe to have probably filled everyone else in.

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