Chapter 38

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- Irma -

When I arrived back at the Thousand Winds Temple with the rest of the Mondstadt population I don't know exactly what I expected. Whatever it was, it surely wasn't for Ariana to be waiting for us in a small cave with nothing but a torch mounted on the wall and a teapot floating in front of us. I had honestly thought this girl had gone transcended insane.

She said that she had created a safe space for us to take the rest of the survivors of Mondstadt. She also went on about some damn fucking story which I though was surely relevant to the situation that we were in. As we followed to the end of the tunnel I wasn't expecting much. There was no way that someone had the power to create an entire civilization underground and I was right. But I hadn't expected that little.

"Quickly, set her on the bed!"

Master Jean rushed into the room behind us. Barbara ran over to the edge of the room to a small bag filled with medical supplies. She took out some type of powder then mixed it into a cup of warm water. She brought it up to Ms. Lisa's lips who drank from it a bit weakly. Oh Archons, she's already lost too much blood. Hopefully Barbara will be able to stop it from bleeding even more.

Damn, but that's not really the problem, was it? The real question we should be asking ourselves is whether her leg is actually worth saving or not. Not being able to stomach what might happen next, I walked out the room, standing on guard with two other Knights who looked just as sickly as I did.

When Ariana first showed me the teapot, I didn't understand what was happening at first. It took me a couple moments to understand what she wanted us to do. Her plan was never to create some sort of underground city but instead, a hidden place away from watching eyes so she could teleport us into the subspace.

Fitting more than two hundred people into a tiny realm within the dimension of a single teapot was beyond mad. There was no way that it would be able to hold so many of them without collapsing. In the game we were only allowed a handful of companions so of course I was doubtful that any of it would even work.

Ariana being who she was, proved me wrong all over again. Don't think I won't pull her aside after all of this to ask her how the hell any of this is damn possible! The only person powerful enough to create such a grand sub-space was Madam Ping, an Adeptus in Liyue harbor. And even then, it would surely have to have been created while she was in the prime of her life. At her current state it was surely impossible for her to create something so lavish.

Right now we seemed to be in one of the common sub-spaces made available in the game. I'm pretty sure that the name was Cool Isle. It was a place that was sectioned off into four distinctive zones. Pearl, Conch-Court, Mirage, and Letter Isle. Each of them with their different terrains though it all feels under the theme of islands stuck at a clean shore and calm waters.

Pearl Isle was the main zone that we all appeared on at first. After some investigation you could see that a mansion similar to the one at the Dawn Winery was placed at the front section of the space with a garden out front that contained a couple benches, a street lamp at the right hand corner and a water fountain which surprisingly worked on its own. Behind the mansion there was a large garden filled with a variety of plants and even some grape plants used in the process of making wine.

Conch-Court was to the south of the main island but still connected to it. This was a vast sandy beach with small Liyue style houses near the mainland that could only fit a person or two at max. Then, as you walked further down to the sea line, there were much larger straw houses each with their own simple decorations. I counted ten smaller houses and five straw ones.

Mirage Isle was a bit north and connected to Pearl Isle through a thin patch of land and sturdy plank bridge. This was the second main island where more of the larger houses resided. They were medium sized Liyue style houses with dark blue roofs and pale bodies. At the back, two of them shared a single well and a few of them already had cooking supplies and such waiting out front like you could in the video game.

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