Chapter 23

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Their screams ring loudly in my head. As I looked down at the people of Monstadt from the waypoint on the Favonius building, I couldn't help remember their blood curling screams. Even though I'm not sure who that strange faceless girl was or who we were facing against I at least understood this much. I didn't have time to be a coward anymore.

From the first moment we landed in this world I should've realized that instead of running around with my tail in-between my legs. I laughed to myself, how pathetic. In the end James died because I was too much of a coward to confront my own problems. If only we had gone up the Knights and asked for an audience hands trembled as I dug my nails in the palms of my hands.

Fuck, it doesn't even matter what I think anymore. Sitting here is useless. Thinking these things is useless. What we needed to do is come up with a plan. Its already been two days since I've woken up and its seems there's still so much planning to do. Why don't they all try to see how many breaths I have to take while they're at it.

No. They're doing all that they can. Things like this take care, they take precision. Especially when we don't know who exactly is coming after us, how, or where they even are. Its especially annoying that we don't know their agenda. What could they possibly want from us?

All of our connections with the other nations have been cut off. Our food and supplies are almost gone. They also have us surrounded by monsters that could easily overrun us all. If I were the enemy I would attack now when we're at our weakest yet they've shown no move whatsoever.

This was really making me fucking nervous. So nervous to the point that I've asked Ariana to train me with the sword. She might've been a spear user but she was great with a sword as well. Makes me wonder how naturally she can wield her natural weapon. You'd expect nothing small of someone whose been practicing for hundreds of years.

Could she really be on the same level as the gods?

"Ariana...should we be worried about Venti?"

Sweat flew off her chin as she struck down with her sword, "Don't worry about him. I told him to stay hidden the first day when things started getting out hand. He has plenty of books to keep him company too. Oh, that reminds me I got started on this new novel called-"

I cut her voice off in my head. I know she means well but all her useless rambling does it put me at unease. If I let myself get distracted even for a couple of seconds dark thoughts wiggle their way into my mind. Then next thing you know, I'm on the verge of another breakdown.

"Heyyyy. Are you even listening?"


"Hmph. Is so hard to get people to listen to you these days. Maybe I'll go bother one of the other Knights then!"

Go ahead. Night shifts were the hardest. At least during the day your mind could be distracted by the reverent prayers outside the cathedral but during the night, all you have to accompany you are the creepy sounds of the dark. I'm sure one of the younger guards would be glad to have a beautiful woman talking beside him.

I practiced way long after she left. My whole body began to burn with exhaustion with every strike. I think that the sound of my blade eventually grew louder than my pacing heart. If I was a little stronger...if I were a little faster...if I were a little bit more skilled.

"Ho! Your progress these past couple of days has been exceptional!" Kaeya clapped as he emerged from the dark, "You're a natural."

A natural? I scoffed. Natural doesn't practice all day without much rest just to get the basics down. A natural isn't as weak or cowardly as I am. What I'm doing is way below exceptional. It barely counts as average. At this rate if Monstadt was to be attacked tonight everyone here would die due to my incompetence.

The Traveler: Mondstadt (Genshin Impact)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن