Chapter 28

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How many times have I passed out now in the past couple of weeks? Three? It might not seem that much in the grand scope of things but its weird that it happened even once. Well, not weird since I basically did this to myself. Food for thought: someone should make me a punch card.

Every time I pass out I get a little hole punch in it and when I pass out twenty times someone gives me a glass of the strongest shit they have in this world. Wine won't cut it. How about Fire whiskey? That's a type of alcohol from Snezhnaya, right? Who cares if you're getting blasted drunk in the end of the world anyway?

But...has my face always felt this heavy? I weakly gasped for air. My left arm reached up to feel a warm pillow being pushed down on my face. Was...someone...trying to kill me? I let go of the pillow and waited for them to push down harder. Instead, there was a trembling breath of a conflicted man. A chair scratched against the floor as he stood up and rushed out the room.


I laid there in silence for a moment. Well, that was anti-climatic. You know, for someone who almost got murdered, I'm feeling pretty calm about this. Was that the shock or did I really not give a damn anymore? If anything I feel really guilt for some reason. That shuddering, fearful sounded so conflicted. In pain.

Finally, I sat up, watching the pillow slide its way onto the floor. I looked around the room, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness of it all. The only light source was a flickering candle on the night stand next to me. I guess its already night. I closed my eyes trying to hear for the sounds of fighting or even weeping but it was mostly silent.

I'm guessing that everything turned out alright. The last thing I remember was charging forward once more with Lumine as we did our best to keep everyone safe. I struck from afar was Lumine went to the front lines. There wasn't much left in me when I heard the stifling yell of everyone behind us. Paimon...she really came through didn't she?

Judging that the outside wasn't filled with the roars of hilichurls or other monsters the fight must've been over for a while. Was it night on the same day or have I been asleep for longer than that? There really was no way of telling just from staying here. I hung my legs over the bed and was surprised to find myself in shorts.

Bandages ran up from the bottom of my right leg all the way to my hip. Underneath the bed I made out a small trash can filled with bloody bandages and cloths. A bucket of water sat next to it, also stained a light red. What the hell happened to me?

I was about to try my luck when Lumine came rushing into the infirmary room of the Cathedral. She looked at me with tired eyes. I was more flustered from her hugging me than the fact someone tried to kill me a couple minutes ago. My arms stiffened, not knowing whether I should hug back or not. 

Lumine pulled away from me, "How are you feeling?"

Ah, I get it. Fighting side by side as you face has a way of bringing people together. Whether I liked it or not, it looks like I made a new friend. An actual friend. I couldn't be more happy that it was her but...right now...I really couldn't focus on that. Now that I was awake I could feel whatever medicine I was on start fading away.

With that, the sharp searing pain running along my injured leg.

"Lumine..." I said with a strained voice, "What happened to my leg?"

"Is it hurting, I'll go call for someone. Don't try to get up okay?"

She was up and ready in the blink of an eye, "Wait! you happen to know who was in the room earlier?"

Lumine nodded, looking a bit anxious as the pain on my face grew more evident, "The Calvary Captain went to check up on you. He's the one that called me over to tell me you had woken up. Don't move, okay? I'll be back soon."

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