The Outlander Who Caught the Wind: Part 7

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"Paimon do you think we have enough time to get the other Statue of the Seven?"

She put her finger against her chin, "Paimon thinks we should do that later. The others are probably waiting for us already. Come on, Kaeya should be at the Temple of the Wolf by now."

Aren't I glad that I listened to Paimon. The Temple of the Wolf was way out of our way and it didn't help that I didn't have any waypoints unlocked. If I was worried about a full stomach on the mission with Amber I sure was okay now.

There wasn't even that many teleporters on the way for me to unlock. I could only get the one at the torch puzzle by Falcon Coast. At least there was a couple chests for me to collect. would be more appropriate to say 'kill for'. At least Paimon seemed pretty happy with everything we found. In her eyes every chest we collected was another Sweet Madame.

Crystalfly! I pounced before it could fly away. Ha! Sucker. These things were always so hard to catch in game unless you had a character that didn't drive them away. I placed the crystal core in my bag.

There it was. You could see the temple from here. It looked almost exactly the same as the Temple of the Falcon. Kaeya was also already there waiting for us. I was a bit surprised that he didn't go inside to look around a bit yet.

Was he being cautious? Or did he not want to go against Jeans orders? She did say that I was here to help them. Hm, another possibility was that he was curious about my performance. He probably want to see my capabilities. Hopefully nobody talked me up too much. Compared to any regular sword wielder I have a lot to learn.

"You've arrived. Come closer. Can you smell that?"

Smell? Why do people keep telling me to smell or feel things? It honestly was a bit weird. Hopefully Lisa won't ask me anything weird like this. I sniffed the air. Well, there was this bit of burning smell in the air. Aside from that it was just the nice smell of some very, very lightly applied cologne.

"The burnt smell or you?"

"Oh?" He crossed his arms, a playful smile spreading the corners of his mouth, "A flirt are we? I'm referring to the smell of burnt pyro slimes. Something must've happened in the temple. I imagine there will be slimes, Hillichurls, and...whatever is giving Stormterror extra power. Oh yes, it is going to be lively in there indeed."

The tone in his voice as he said made it sound like we were going to walk into a club or something. Actually, if things like clubs existed in this world I wouldn't surprised to find him there. With his looks and demeanor, he'd fit right in. I'm not too sure if he prefers the more subtle atmosphere of taverns though.

I know a lot about the people of this world but not everything. It would be...a bit concerning if I did.

"Well good thing I'm here to protect you then, right?"

Paimon gave me a look. I just shook my head at her though. Kaeya wasn't the type of person to take such light flirting seriously. If anything, he probably enjoyed it a bit. He probably knows there's no real meaning behind my words...At least I hope so cause I don't really think I can protect him against that many mobs.

"Oh, ho-ho! You're quite the brave one, aren't you! It's a pity that the Temple of the Wolf has been disturbed by such an atrocity. Let's head in, Traveler. No-one makes offerings to The Four Winds anymore, yet the old winds never vanish. We need to clear out the temples, for The Four Winds."

I nodded in agreement. For The Four Winds. Hehe. Wasn't I getting in the mood to be a hero now?

Woah, the entrance of the temple was a lot more grand. We were brought to the mouth of a bridge that led to a tall majestic stone structure. Kaeya was already by the walkway where two chandeliers hung from above. How was he so fast? I hate tall people.

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