Chapter 10 (Lumine)

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Ever since I woke up in this world there has been something nagging in the back of my mind. Actually, rather in the front. It was like a little leading voice taking my body as their own. I thought that it was simply my body getting used to this world. Like those first few awkward steps that a baby takes.

The more I traveled on my journey, the more I found that voice leading me. When I met Paimon I was ready to pull our my rod but my hands froze for just a second before I ran for the water and pulled her out. I easily dismissed the strange moment, replacing confusion with panic as she coughed up water.

I would walk just a few paces faster than seemed normal yet when I fought, I fought with the same skills that I always had. When we met the Dragon in the woods and I laid upon the person dressed in green there was a moment of recognition in my mind. I had seen them before I told myself. I knew who they were.

It hasn't been long since I've woken up here so how could I possibly know this stranger. They weren't the unknown god who took my brother from me and they weren't the fish that I would catch along the beach. I was sure that this person was a stranger to me.

Then there was the moment in the clouds. My mind was too loud as my voices clashed together. Both of them nervous, both of them scared but one of them was louder than the other. Constantly screaming at itself that they were going to die. It felt out of place even as it calmed down.

I started to think to myself that maybe I was sick. That the unknown god had done something else to me other than seal my powers. What if they did something to my mind too? Split my conscious into two.

Temple by temple I grew more certain that was the case. I would watch myself from behind as something, no someone else led me. What I was doing was good, what I was doing seemed inherently alright so I let it pass. 

As we approached Lisa at our final one I felt a strong pull in my heart. It was this pulsing, thrumming feeling as if I were being struck by something warm. Over and over again, an small electric pulse growing stronger until I was rendered unconscious. 

While my body drifted elsewhere my mind was exposed to a giant palace in the sky. I was standing all in different places yet looking at the same structure floating in the clouds. As the time passed by I could feel it growing closer. I would ask myself, "Is it coming towards us?" Sure enough a couple months later it went from a small speck in the sky to length of my thumb.


When I woke up, I was in the Favonius Cathedral. I'd never been in here for sure. Not even my other voice knew where we were at first. It was a bit of relief for once to know that the both of us were lost. We both soon deducted that we were probably at the attachment of the Cathedral were they took all the sick patients.

When I saw that guy, that's when I knew for sure that we were two separate people. She knew who that was in front of us. Not by name, not by nature, but by face. They had seen each other in a moment of extreme vulnerability and I could hear there thoughts at that moment when they looked eyes.


That was the only word that I made out and the only one that I needed. As our bodies split apart it was like releasing a heavy burden from my chest. My body became more confident. I watched as she fell to the ground desperate for breath. It reminded me of a fish taken out of water.


She had to related to that Unknown god in someway. There was this look in their eyes that told me they knew more to all of this. All of these people looked so familiar when she was in my body, almost as if she had talked to them all before. I could almost determine who would say what next.

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