Chapter 13 (Lumine)

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Paimon knew that I was faking. Though her silence throughout the endless questioning made me feel like she really was the best tour guide in Teyvat. After Jean relieved us from the Cathedral everyone went off to take care of their own things and give me some time to myself.

I needed a bit more time to recover. But really, I just needed some time for myself to think. I felt bad for lying but I would felt even worse when I thought of that girl laying dead at the end of that suspicious looking portal. 

Should I follow them? No, that wouldn't be wise. Not with the people watching me. The Acting Grand Master must've put someone to 'protect me' or rather to watch me. I guess she was still worried that whoever they  were. They'd come back to finish whatever they started. 

The darkness in our eyes had mostly faded by now. I could see it in the other Knight's as well. Their weapons rested more easily at their sides and they no longer seemed to be poisoned by a consistent buzzing of danger. Even the Calvary Captain seemed to lighten the guards sent out to look for them.

When we returned they talked of sending all the Knights of Favonius to look for them. It was close to say they were about to tear down people's doors just to find them. A small inkling of common sense seemed to have returned to everyone after a short nights' sleep. Though I wouldn't describe anyone as sane minded just yet.

Paimon thankfully seemed to be unaffected by all of this. She chomped happily on her Fisherman's toast. When we passed good hunter she practically dragged me over so I could get her something delicious to eat. I laughed as red sauce spilled all over her chin. She sure could fit a lot of food in that little mouth of hers.

I seemed to have gotten rid of it quite quickly. But there's something else that I've noticed. Yesterday afternoon I spent some time with the Knights guarding me at the Cathedral. At the beginning of the night they were all blood thirsty saying that enemies had infiltrated Mondstadt and it was a sin worth of death.

By this morning, all of their heads hung low in embarrassment. A few moments they were even apologizing that they had been talking so violently. They said that it was uncharacteristic of people in the city of freedom to get so riled up. 

For some reason an idea popped into my head. What I did take a quick walk around the city making observations. Of course, everyone that wasn't in the area during the event was more than fine. A few Knights that I recognized were mumbling to themselves, obviously making those around them feel uneasy.

I approached on Knight and asked him a few questions. Nothing to hard. I just asked him how long he's been working as a Knight, if he's seen anything like this before, and if I could help. He was a bit tense at first but as we talked I could see the cloudiness from his eyes disappear. Was it that the effect wore off with time?

That's what I was testing out at this moment. The Knight following me was in the middle of the chaos yesterday. He was far enough from me that he couldn't see if I threw a little glance but close enough that I had to be careful with my words. After an hour of chatting and emptying my wallet for Paimon, there seemed to be no change.

I could still feel an unnatural energy coming from him. Let's see, what did those who showed improvement have in common? Three of them improved at the night spent at the Cathedral while the other simply from our short conversation.

Well, there is one more thing that comes to mind but its completely absurd. I also have no idea if it'll work. Its better than nothing I guess. I waved at the guard standing awkwardly at the corner of Good Hunter. They seemed surprised that I had seen them at all. Its not that I was being humble but they really did make it obvious.

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