Chapter 42: Prt. 2

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It took minutes for everyone to secure themselves with their partner and wrap their coats around themselves tighter. Diluc's outfit stuck out much more than the rest of ours. Our white Favonius coats matched into the color of the snow but his was dark with hints of red. I didn't worry too much about it though. In a matter of seconds he'll be covered in white like the rest of us.

Ariana gave both Paimon and I a scarf. I finished buttoning up the small baby's coat around Paimon then wrapped the tiny scarf around her mouth before I did the same. The purpose of this was to keep our faces warm with the heat of our own breaths. It also helped from snow getting into our lungs.

There was a moment of panic when Irma went forward by herself to collect something at the other side of the stream. She shot her hand forward, releasing a burst of Cyro energy in order to create an ice bridge to the other side. Since she was running over ice, she simply used her moment to glide her across the snow. She kept her body low to keep from stumbling and hit the rocks with a gentle oomph.

Did she really do all of that to get a chest? I shook my head and followed everyone closer to the stream. Irma motioned us forward, telling us to copy exactly what she had done except towards land. The Calvary Captain gave her a confused expression before bringing his own arm forward and using the same technique to add another layer of ice over the water.

Wh-what? Di-did Irma know how to use his technique? I thought she could only wield different elements but using the skills of others was beyond amazing. That takes pure talent.

Master Jean followed Kaeya who was more than relaxed making his way over. The Acting Grand Master, on the other hand, struggled a lot. She had almost fallen on multiple occasions had it not been for Master Diluc holding her up. Though I could see him panic too. His natural heat coming from being a Pyro user was melting the snow at a faster rate.

I grabbed onto the rope on my waist and held my breath as Master Jean took a large step forward. There was a loud crunch and everyone's eyes widened. Irma and the Calvary Captain rushed towards her but they couldn't do anything. If they shot the spot beneath her with Cryo then they would risk hitting her too.

Not to mention that if they stepped onto that ice, it would only weaken the hold. Diluc froze as the cracks grew around them. Master Jean lowered her body gently then got on all fours. I leaned forward, my feet almost skimming against the water.

Come on! Come on!


Jean took a deep breath then released a swirling energy from her fingertips, just a bit so that we could see the light through the building snow but not enough so anyone more than twenty feet could see. Cold air swirled around her fingers, miraculously keeping the ice together. She turned around to look at Diliuc then motioned for him to go forward.

He seemed reluctant but she gave him a hard look that got him moving. Diluc brought out his arms to a shaky T and took a step forward. We all cursed as the ice began breaking beneath him, though not as harshly as before. Jean took a shaky breath as she did her best to keep her energy flowing at a steady pace.

She was beginning to tire though.

Diluc kept going until the rope that bound them kept him from going further. They looked at each other and nodded. Jean let out one final steady burst of energy before reaching to him. He grabbed her hand then pulled her across the ice. The Calvary Captain rushed forward with a scared look in his eyes as he reached out for Diluc.

Kaeya grabbed the man by the waist and practically dragged him onto land. There was a loud series of cracks as the ice they had been standing on gave away and went rushing down the stream. I ran a hand through my hair. That was too close.

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